Reviews for Tangled Up In You
les chapter 24 . 8/6/2017
Please stop apologizing for writing your story. If someone doesn't like it they have the whole internet to find another story. I have missed Mark and Lexie from GA. My eyes are about to bleed but that is good, because it means I am interested. You warned about the abuse and that's life. I think you are doing a great job.
Guest chapter 6 . 8/6/2017
Awesome chapter! Mark is treating Lexie rather rudely...
Guest chapter 5 . 8/5/2017
Great chapter!
Guest chapter 4 . 8/5/2017
Lovely chapter as always! :) I like your writing. :)
Guest chapter 2 . 8/2/2017
Great job with the chapter!
Guest chapter 1 . 8/2/2017
Oh, Lexie...this hurts my heart to read.
meggy.yyy chapter 32 . 7/3/2017
This chapter. This chapter made me sob. Like literal waterfalls coming from my eyes. It's sooo good. ️️
Guest chapter 32 . 3/18/2017
I love this fanifc so much I really wish there were more lexi and mark fanfics they are so cute together even though they are both gone now RIP they will forever still be in my heart I really do hope you do a sequel because this was truely amazing thank you so much for writing it :)
Cutie-Pie-Angel chapter 32 . 9/3/2016
Wow...that is, this FanFic was just amazing. It was emotional and heart-wrenching. Poor Lex, but I'm glad Mark stayed by her side...
I know Thather wasn't the best father and I do held a slight grudge for what he did, but...
I couldn't help, but feel a little bit sad, when he wrote 'No-one needs me.' in his suicide letter. My heart actually went out to him, but still it was unforgivable...
You know, I miss Lexie and Mark so damn much :(
But, I thank you for this wonderful story :)
Guest chapter 32 . 5/11/2016
This is so amazing! Well done, couldn't have loved it any more. Please tell me you make a sequel or a one shot to continue it. Loved this so much, you are an amazing writer x
MakorraLove97 chapter 32 . 10/8/2015
This story was phenomenal. I cannot stress to you how much I have fallen in love with this story and how tragic it is that I've now finished it. How could anyone not enjoy and admire this fanfic? It was beautifully and absolutely incredibly written. Your vocabulary, the way you expressed each characters' feelings, the way you went about writing every single word, stringing a perfectly written sentence together… it's amazing. Truly amazing and I am so happy I found this story.

There was a lot of emotions in this story and anyone could easily tell how much time, effort, and feelings you put into this. And trust me, the hard work had paid off. Each chapter had me craving for another, for more and more, and I seriously couldn't get enough of it.

It's interesting to read this sort of idea and because this could have happened to Lexie with the path her father was on. And Mark being there for her… I loved everything about this. And that ending! There would have been no better way to end this brilliant story. It was a great way to piece this all together. You literally had me in tears.

You made me feel like I was actually there, literally watching all of these things happen. That's how well written this is. You had the ability to get your readers attached; you had me so intrigued and wrapped up in my own world while reading this story.

I wish I could say more, express I how I truly feel about this story, but no words I could manage to write in this review will be enough. You deserve a lot of praise with this story and I hope, I dearly hope, you read this comment, though this was written a few years ago so I don't know. But I hope one day you come back to writing Lexie/Mark stories because you're incredible at writing them together.

I wish you the best of luck and I do hope you're still writing because you have quite the talent! :)
Madison chapter 32 . 11/24/2014
OMG THIS STORY IS AMAZING! I have been looking at A LOT of slexie fanfictions and this one was one of the best I have read. Creds to you for making an amazing slexie love story! Please make a part two where she becomes a attending and they get married and have kids!
Guest chapter 3 . 7/15/2014
Seems like a great fic, I wish I could read more but abuse does not do good things for my psyche.
someone chapter 32 . 10/29/2013
Really really good story.
Had me in tears!
MariShal chapter 32 . 10/27/2013
Mark will always be her hero! Great story, love the angst.
Miss Mark & Lexie, write more please.
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