Reviews for Maggots, Vermin, Ashes, Dust
leftyred chapter 12 . 4/26
I’m sorry to hear about your work. Thank you for finishing this story.
leftyred chapter 13 . 4/26
I’m sorry to hear about you for finishing this story.
Guest chapter 13 . 4/23
Oh my gosh that was so satisfying. Thank you so much for finishing it!

You're back!

You're one of my top fave CI authors.
Guest chapter 13 . 4/22
You have serious problems.
annette miller chapter 13 . 4/22
That was brutal butwell written. Give it four stars
Roseau767 chapter 13 . 4/21
Well I nearly chocked in my croissant when I saw your name! Where the heck have you been? And don’t ever go again lol. Welcome’ve got a lot of work to do. I enjoyed this update, made me go back from the beginning and read it all again. I’m desperately waiting for There But For and I’m hopeful you’ll get back to that soon. Welcome back!
rindy713 chapter 13 . 4/20
Whew, that was close! Tension right to the end. Good work!
WendyCR72 chapter 13 . 4/20
Glad you came back to our little fandom, and I'm glad you finished this. Sorry to see it end, but it ended in a great way. So thank you!
nikkic0429 chapter 12 . 7/30/2017
Would love for you to finish this fic ️
Guest chapter 12 . 11/9/2015
will you please finish this if you still write? story is great. thanks
Guest chapter 7 . 11/8/2015
I can picture this scene. John Glover was great. I wish they had used him more instead of Nicole. It would have made much more sense that Declan could torment Bobby. Thanks for writing.
Guest chapter 2 . 11/8/2015
this would have been so great on the show. fanfic writers do a much better job than the show's writers. thanks
Gertie2 chapter 12 . 8/8/2014
Please finish this. It was hard to read but i'm glad i stuck with it. Hope you finish it.
evilythedwarf chapter 12 . 9/8/2011
That is a really evil place to leave this story, just so you know.

Anyway, I just read all 12 chapters of this, and loved them all.
PumpkinButter chapter 12 . 7/7/2011
Absolutely stunning. At first the writing style threw me off but as Eames sinks deeper and deeper into herself it became this beautiful way to understand the loss one experiences when in this kind fo situation. Please, PLEASE continue soon!

Best Wishes,

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