Reviews for Outmatched
elysiann chapter 2 . 6/4/2016
Please continue! I'm hooked!
Doomster345 chapter 2 . 7/26/2011

I love your story, it's really very interesting! I see you haven't updated in more than 2 years, buuuuut doesn't mean you can't start up again? xD I'm sorry, I don't mean to sound like one of those annoying reviewers that are all up in your face every day, totally guilt-tripping you, and are like, "Y ARENT U UPDATING, RLY UNCOOL MAN. UPDATE DAMMIT. YOU PROMISED BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH" (ughh). But I will say that I hope you haven't totally given up on this one.

I'll be keeping watch for when you update. Thank youuu!


Doomster345 _
BellaRide28 chapter 2 . 10/25/2009
Wow... this is WICKED awesome! Please update soon!
Shining Sunny chapter 2 . 2/15/2009
Oh! good story! please please PLEASE update! ! !
Pepper07 chapter 2 . 2/12/2009
Shawn...having an arch nemesis is not a good thing to have lol! God that was so funny! and Shawn singing to Gus haha! I don't know how you keep everyone in character! Amazing!
NickTonyK chapter 1 . 2/11/2009
I like it so far! Love Shawn with his father, not enough written that it includes them together. Hope you have more soon!
sweet-haze chapter 2 . 2/11/2009
uhh..nice...nice..:D great work!

I like the idea of a singing Shawn xD (his eyes closed and in full ‘annoy Gus’ mode).

That's so characteristic for him...

uhm...ya...please update soon!

ZedPM chapter 2 . 2/11/2009
I love that Shawn's excited about having an arch nemesis. And alphabet code on steroids!

Update soon.

ZedPM chapter 1 . 2/11/2009
Brilliant - I love the comments Shawn makes, and you had them all very in character.

*goes off to read more...*

Hedgi chapter 2 . 2/10/2009
he has an arch nemesis.. and he's GLAD? that's Shawn for you, i guess. this is gonna be interesting.

ps. i like how the reason he was called in there first place( the necklace) is completely irrelevant to the REAL story. or is it? hmm

YunalanaStarphyer chapter 2 . 2/10/2009
Love the direction it's going in-Keep it up. D
LQ Aredhel chapter 2 . 2/10/2009
Wow, Shawn being excited about having an arch nemesis was just perfect! I'm looking forward to more!
EmeraldFire512 chapter 1 . 1/28/2009
awesoem, i love "let explore the issues between Shawn and his father" fics. Especially the ones that end in "they really just care about each other too much, but neither of them lead quiet lives"

so, kudos
Hedgi chapter 1 . 1/26/2009

this is good- continue please!
Lauren chapter 1 . 1/24/2009
Hee! I like this. It has a great balance between humor and dark foreshadowing. (dum dum dum...) I thought it was a oneshot at first, and for some reason I thought it would be Henry who wanted to measure himself against Shawn. It goes with the humor, right? But then I realized that it was actually a serious threat. Either way, it's still intruiging!
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