Reviews for Reckless Abandon
Meg chapter 11 . 4/29
Took me a day and a half to read all of your stories, heartbroken you’ve left it hanging :( I’m guessing by now there’s no hope of an update but I just wanted to say thank you for writing something so amazing! I absolutely loved it. Found myself in immersed in the story & in love with both Fred & Cedric at the same time ! Hope you’re well wherever you are xxx
Pamela Hutchins chapter 11 . 4/13
I hope you update soon this is an amazing story!
Guest chapter 11 . 1/2
a lot of time passed and I just can't stop crying.
Why you abandoned the story? How you could ever abandon this beautiful story?! To US? YOUR READERS?! How could you?!
From the bottom of my heart, PLEASE CONTINUE THIS AMAZING STORY! I don't want this abandoned! PLEASE
you maybe now is thirty by this time. But PLEASE i'm CRYING and my heart is SUFFERING
Imagine, you are reading a story, the story is so beautifully writing that the story us now part of your heart, and then the writer doesn't care about get story anymore...
and Juliet and Fred stuff...
You didn't finish them, they didn't have started a relationship, that Was The whole point Of The story, THEY HAVE TO BE TOGETHER, AFTER ALL I READ THEY HAVE TO BE TOGETHER, I NEED THAT, THE READERS NEED THAT!
Milli chapter 1 . 7/9/2019
This is such good writing! I love it so much. I hope it will continue. c:
Guest chapter 11 . 1/11/2019
I liked Juliet's weird behavior on the quidditch was quite interesting. Hope you post the next chapter quickly!
Guest chapter 10 . 1/11/2019
Amazing! I have read the first two books of this series and both are amazing. Believe it or not i read five years of your work in five days. And i love the Alicia part. Keep up the excellent work!
Random Reviewer chapter 11 . 1/2/2019
I really love this story and I wish you would carry on with it.
allie300093 chapter 11 . 12/4/2018
I just binge-read all three of this series in the past few days, and every minute had me grinning (even the angsty parts). I think you have Fred and George totally in character! George has always seemed like the more thoughtful twin, to be honest. And you're so good at writing that you can literally make me love Fred one moment for being the hilarious git he is and hate him the next for hurting Juliet. I love Juliet, by the way. She's awesome but she's not perfect, which is really good. And it's great how you're following canon but you're still making it your own story-canon is just something that's there in the background, not taking over the whole fic. And I'm sort of glad Juliet's not a big part of the plot and that this series mostly focuses on the relationships between characters (that's how I view it, at least), because if you're going to work in an OC into the main plot, it's basically all or nothing, right?

Anyway, I love what you've done in this series. I noticed that it's been a while since you updated, and I don't know if you just have another account or whatever, but if you intend to carry on with this, I'd definitely read it! :)
ItsJustABook chapter 11 . 10/28/2018
Really hope this isn’t abandoned. It’s a great story
go-kiss-an-orc chapter 11 . 6/13/2018
This is so amazing omg, I've read all three of your stories over the past few days and have loved them SO much! I really hope you get the inspiration to continue updating this, even if the last update was in 2011, because it truly is awesome! (Also, your writing has improved HEAPS since the first story)
Quillice715 chapter 8 . 11/7/2017
Finally! It's about time Juliet grew up enough to see Fred! Love it!
Bookworm742 chapter 11 . 10/24/2017
I love all three of your stories and all I can say is that I really hope you’ll update but considering the last time you’ve did was 6 years ago I feel like it might not happen. By none the less I would love if you did as I’m dying to find out what happens and it’s a really good story
FrayGray chapter 11 . 10/8/2017
This is an amazing story! I have binged through this story and part 2 in the last couple days. I truly love the development and am really excited to see how the story will progress!

I have only ready twin/ oc stories where the oc dates Oliver and I don’t think it’s as good as the Cedric angle. This is just so great and I absolutely love it! This is an amazing story, definitely one of the top ones I love! You are a great writer
emilyamazing chapter 11 . 3/23/2017
Man i love this series, keep it up!
JohnnyDeppIsMine chapter 11 . 3/2/2017
I really enjoy this story! I'm glad we've gotten to see a little bit of Fred/Juliet and I hope life's treating you okay!
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