Reviews for Shadows
Kaley D. Oscope chapter 1 . 1/23/2010
A friend referred me to this one-shot since I'm not very familiar with the fandom and know just the basics of the original story. Still, I really liked how you described this scene. It was short and sweet, but you still managed to show Mme. Giry's hypnotic fascination with the boy.

One thing that I should point out is the "poor frightened little boy" statement. From the moment Erik comes into the scene, he is mysterious and alluring. However, his behavior does not provide any evidence of fear. if anything, there must be a lot of anger, but even his lack of hesitation to go with Mme Giry makes Erik appear secure in his actions.

All in all, interesting little piece.
VampPhan chapter 1 . 1/21/2009
Very nice, very nice. I would have replied to YOUR reply on your other story "Opera Ghost", but you didn't have pming so... I'm surprised you took it so well-I usually get replies like "OMG ur so stupid if u dont lurve my storie ur a meanie!1", so...yeah. Thank you for taking my advice. Much improvement in this fiction. The madame is very in character. I love it.