Reviews for The Idol and the Prince
Timegal25 chapter 22 . 1/18
This story was one of the first fics I found when I got into both Persona 4 and NaoRise. I remember the joy I got in seeing more chapters when I would occasionally come back to it every so often. I love this story, a lot. It's the good fanfic drama that I love, and the changes made to the story of the game are things that I wanted to see/headcannoned seeing myself. This piece is a fun read, and has a ton of heart to it. Great work.
DschingisKhan chapter 22 . 12/3/2019
Fits nicely into the actual plot with, to my eye, fairly minimal modification. Cute and just a bit steamy; the weirdest thing was probably how much time passed where they supposedly didn't talk despite having class together? There were a few points like that. Also, it's helpful when you're using date headings to also have an "x days later" because usually by the time readers reach the end of the scene, the specific date has escaped their mind completely.

Still, I enjoyed this; thanks for writing.
Redlin Vermilion chapter 22 . 5/3/2019
I've been following this since the beginning and always checking it out if there's a new update for years, alas it stopped when a few years ago my country stupidity blocked this web and in all miraculous things the site is not being blocked anymore, then I saw that this story already finished and proceed to re-read everything from the begining

Thank you for your dedication on finishing this story, a long 5 years, it must be a struggle but you did not give up, so from the bottom of my heart I thank you.

I love this story ever since the first time I laid my eyes on it, and still am.

Once again, thank you for the wonderful journey!
Hercules8 chapter 2 . 12/13/2016
Nice chapter. I'm liking these sweet moments between Rise and Naoto. :)
Hercules8 chapter 1 . 12/13/2016
Pretty well written and has good plot. I like it! :)
Keiy-kun chapter 1 . 7/12/2016
Hi I just finished your 22 chapters fanfic today. To be honest it's kind of confusing to read, not because the story but your english is such a high level that sometimes makes me hard to understand (since I lack of vocabT_T) and I'm such a slow reader so it took months just for finishing this fanfic xD but overall I enjoyed it because Naoto is my favorite anyway thank you, I hope to see another great work of yours :)
Kieu Hoa An chapter 22 . 6/4/2016
This was so easy to read and so entertaining. I finished this in 2 days. Love it. Please continue with your awesome works. 3
Belthasar chapter 22 . 3/8/2016
Thank you for finishing this story.
ted-chan chapter 22 . 3/3/2016
Thank you so much for writing this beautiful fic! I never waited for só long for an update in my life lol

I guess I haven't changed a bit in the last 5 years...Im kind of happy that im still comfortable with all my toughts... So its finished ;-; thanks again for finishing it :)
NaotoTainaka chapter 20 . 2/21/2016
I just woke up and decided to check my email.

...only to see notifications of THIS fanfiction! TWO chapters of'em! EXCITEMEEEEEENT!

I couldn't help but let out a loud fangirl squeal first thing in the morning..

Dangit It was so good I'm rolling around in my bed right now.

I'll wait for the next like a good, loyal dog I am!
ted-chan chapter 18 . 12/25/2015
The most perfect fanfic ever made ;v;
NaotoTainaka chapter 18 . 11/16/2015

Thank you for making my day, this is just beautiful.

This pairing need moar luv I swear.

Keep up the good work!
Matsuda Shinobu chapter 18 . 11/15/2015
My friend and I read this fic years ago, but there was a long hiatus and I almost forgot about it. And now, after a long time, told me that there was a new update. We came here and rushed the entire thing because we missed it so much. I'm really happy that you're trying to finish it. Also, I'd totally read your Hibike!Euphonium fics if you ever post it online.
SyrenneMcN chapter 18 . 11/15/2015
Yay! Thanks so much for the update! Very good chapter :)
Ffff chapter 16 . 10/15/2015
Just found out persona was a thing, found out about this ship, found this story, and now I'm addicted...
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