Reviews for Doing It For Him
jessluvzcristiane chapter 1 . 1/30/2010
Just wanted to say that you mix the storytelling and the conversation well. You make it realistic and believable because you actually write like people talk! (FINALLY someone who does.. Haven't seen it in a while!) Love your brain for coming up with these amazing Leah and Bella stories! Hope you do more
hogwartshoodlum chapter 1 . 3/26/2009
I like your Leah. She's such a pistol. Also perfect, your discription of Esme. That's exactly the image I get. Like those commercials where the mom is laying down the plates full of food, her hair and dress perfect and a big smile in her face. Nice work.
sparechange1224 chapter 1 . 1/9/2009
Let me begin by saying I really like this fic. No doubt about it Leah is my favorite character because she is living through the pain that most people have been through at least once in their life. Leah words to Bella in this fic was heart felt and real, but here is my problem with the situation. Bella is always portrayed as the victim. Everybody thinks she is so fragile and if someone call her on her BS its like they committed a sin. One thing I have observed about Bella from the books and some fanfiction I have read is that she is selfish and she can be a bitch, but she is able to disguise it better than Leah. Poor Jacob is so in love that he can't see this. So yes Leah is my favorite character because she is what she is and I like that.
Ada Lovelace chapter 1 . 1/9/2009
I loved it! You displayed Leah realy well in this and it was really well writen :)
An LOTR Freak chapter 1 . 1/9/2009
AWESOME JOB! What's funny is I was actually thinjing about doing a little one shot between Rose and Leah! I never thought about something like this though! good work.