Reviews for Arrangements
Guest chapter 1 . 2/3/2013
This is brilliant. I love how confused everyone got.
Also, I love the last line-I've always sort of shipped those two, and I love the idea of her waiting for him to stop speaking in iambic pentameter!
sychopenguin5 chapter 1 . 8/10/2012
I enjoyed this story, since it is quite funny and definitely a plan I support!
However, it really needs some line breaks because I had a hard time telling when it was a new scene.
Katah chapter 1 . 8/10/2009
Haha, this is so great I love the style you've used - the character's voices are so distinctive.
bachiari chapter 1 . 6/15/2009
i ike/soren. ]
HaveAHeart0301 chapter 1 . 4/28/2009
Well, this is my second time reading this story (though I think the first was on a different sight, which would explain why I didn't review), and, I must say, it's even better the second time around. The ending scene has to be one of the best; I suppose Lucia will never marry Bastian then... But nice job. :)
ReoPlusOne chapter 1 . 4/23/2009
I've been crying for the past few hours now, due to reasons unrelated to this story, and, when I read it, it made me giggle and forget all about my tears. Thank you, thank you so much. This really brought a warm feeling to my heart.
Aldalena chapter 1 . 4/23/2009
Rofl! I can't stop reading this... XD

Aw, Geoffrey, you shoulda just confessed... Couldn't you tell that Elincia doesn't love Ike? Then again, that wouldn't have been nearly as fun, huh, Soren? x3

Ike, such horrible hygiene! D:

Hehehe, so Ike is very enthusiastic in the bedroom... *...Dirty Ike/Soren thoughts* o_o'

“Do you want to tell the Queen of Crimea that she snores like a drunken dragon laguz?”

*Snorts* I love that line. xD I tried telling my dad that he snores like a laguz, but of course, he knows nothing about Fire Emblem (or the Japanese language, apparently...) and asked, "What's laguz? Is that some Japanese insult?" -.-;

I love the note Ike and Soren left. And the Ike/Soren moments. :3 I sort of probably most definitely ship Ike/Soren (though more friendship than anything else...I think...). '

Okay, I'll stop rambling...for now! Muhahaha! *Ahem* Anyway, very funny, cute, sweet fanfic! I'm definitely adding it to my Favorites! :D
Kinnetik Ishisu chapter 1 . 4/22/2009
Ha ha ha ha, loved it! The snoring thing was hilarious! Yay for Soren and Geoffrey!
Guety chapter 1 . 4/7/2009
Why didn't I read this before? It's made of win, I can't stop laughing. *adds to favorites*
Pelleas chapter 1 . 3/29/2009
love it :]

this is the first time i'veread something that wasn't Ike/Soren... ... well, this one had it, but with other pairings too :D

ahh~ it was a good fic i'll tell you.
Diedre D'Nai chapter 1 . 2/4/2009
ha! I loved it Starlight! Epic win. Particularly Lucia's line at the end, _. Can't wait for your next piece!
Jes chapter 1 . 1/15/2009
This is so funny. I love how the stage was set, and characters just flowing in and out.
lalala chapter 1 . 1/14/2009
Oh gah. I haven't read anything this funny in a long time. "If he had just lifted his arms a bit higher..." I thought I was going to die laughing at that part. Great fic!
PermanentMarker chapter 1 . 1/9/2009
LOL! That was really funny, very cute XD It was simple but sweet, and I can picture them actually doing this to those two. Nice job -
Measured chapter 1 . 1/8/2009
You posted it! :D Aw, I love it. It's so funny and cute and I love so many lines I could hardly quote them all. (Though the biological warfare one with Soren makes me laugh every single time.)

Thank you, it was a lovely Christmas gift.
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