Reviews for Blue Plate Special
Dragonman0007 chapter 6 . 4/28/2019
Always the lulz!
Dragonman0007 chapter 29 . 2/9/2018
The way the title was, I thought there was going to be alcohol involved.
Zekrom1010101010 chapter 17 . 12/4/2016
Lin's problem is she is extremely passive-aggressive. She is indirect, and when she is direct, its to throw people off. It would be much easier if the bot of them would be open and honest. Alas, we already know this, and open and honest conversation is boring, even awkward to readers. Witticism is everyone's favorite virtue.
shektor chapter 2 . 4/22/2015
I have read this story before, and what you have written for the sequel. And I'm just laughing at Lin and Shifu's early interactions.
longboard brands chapter 35 . 4/5/2014
Great information, I love all the posts, I really enjoyed, I would like more information about this, Because it is very nice, Thanks for sharing. I like the site best.
a brands/a
Guest chapter 35 . 8/10/2013
You had me going crazy on the false sex scene. I was so confuse on what just happen, I was pretty sure Lin didn't want to do it. And here you go pulling me leg when they were talking about dessert.
Guest chapter 36 . 2/8/2013
this was the best story i have ever read in my intire life and you have my thanks
FashionablyHospitable chapter 1 . 11/3/2012
FanficGirl99 chapter 36 . 9/9/2012
OMG this story was SO amazing! You are a truly talented writer! I read fanfic late at night, and there were a couple times when I bursted out laughing and almost woke up everyone! Anyway, really awesome job! :D
Ravanyss chapter 24 . 6/24/2012
why is shifu always "getting good with the comebacks, if he does say so himself" not to be mean but you put that in the last few chapters
Demonic Wolf Spirit chapter 3 . 6/14/2011
nice one here i feel its gonna be a really funny one
Dragonman0007 chapter 31 . 3/2/2011
Yeah, she's makin' the shit creek too.

Lol jk.
Draculella chapter 28 . 1/10/2011
He kissed her and she kicked him where it counts. He kisses her again and she kisses him back then runs like a scared little girl. He gets all huffy and talks to the turtle which is like talking to a magic 8 ball. The turtle talks to her then she talks to the panda. He *still* cann't say three little words and she's still acting the tough girl with her heart on her sleeve. *le sigh* These two are going to keep dancing around each other until the end of the second movie arn't they...stubborn, the both of them! Can't we just stick them in a vault with food, water and blankets and conviently forget where we put the key for a few months?
Draculella chapter 27 . 1/10/2011
He kissed her. He actually *kissed* her! FINALLY! I was beginnng to think he was neutered! Now if he can just survive the explosion that going to come next...But at least he kissed her. It only took 27 chapters! Ghad, by the time he ever gets to telling her he loves her he's going to be as old as Oogway!
Lt. Hawkins chapter 36 . 6/19/2010
I almost cried after finishing this. Seriously, I've never in my life felt like crying after reading a story until this one. You have such an amazing sense for writing. The words flow; the feeling of the situation is clear and sympathetic; the fight scenes aren't forced; and you just hit home with the ending. Today, I had a revelation (because at 3:17 a.m., I was reading the story, literally. XD), that life is too short. We all change in time and that the change isn't always positive. I know this is something most of us already know, but we don't really worry about it. Shifu's 33 year wait for his real love was, actually, quite devastating. I couldn't imagine what something like that must be like. But the "noone ever came looking for her in the valley of peace" thing just... *stabs leg*

You are truly and amazing author. You managed to hit a part of the heart that the "best writers" in Hollywood, failed to hit. Their stories leave a sour taste in one's mouth, but you... I'm sorry if I sound like I'm brown nosing, it's just the story has affected me so much today. I'm really not that big of fan of Kung Fu Panda. Shifu, I am a fan of, but the movie itself I don't care for and this fic along with the movie just seem to intwine together so perfectly. Magical writer is what you are. Do well in life, because I think you will. :)
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