Reviews for The Most Important Meal of the Day
PrayerGirl chapter 1 . 12/31/2012
That was really cute!
TexasDreamer01 chapter 1 . 8/12/2011
*dies from laughter*


Ruto Kuntai chapter 1 . 5/13/2009
Exceptionally well written story. Very detailed and quite descriptive. This was quite enjoyable to read and made me laugh several times. Fantastic job.

Thanks for the excellent read,

Ruto Kuntai
Lunnaei chapter 1 . 1/19/2009
That...was amazingly cute. XD It's fun seeing the mundane side to a character's life. The morning routine (and morning disasters), and the average teenage cares. And I absolutely adore that Yugi would smuggle bread into the house. XD That was so cute. XD
Deathcas chapter 1 . 1/12/2009
Nice story, I enjoyed it!

I hate make-up, and I don't care how I look, so I don't understand why Anzu went so crazy, but, *shrugs* I guess I'd rather not written, and you kept them in character!

*thumbs up*

Keep up the awesome work!
Nayuki-Bunny chapter 1 . 1/11/2009
cute XD

I love this whole concept of Yugi living with Téa, it was very realistic as usual and of course had just enough slice of life to let it stand on its own but still mesh into post-canon. I love Grandpa Mutou's comment on makeup down there and Téa's reaction even more; great work!
Hakurei Ryuu chapter 1 . 1/11/2009
actually, it's these little "slice of life" fics that impress me most about your writing. the kind of detail and character points you can toss into such a simple encounter is nothing short of phenominal!

SamCyberCat chapter 1 . 1/6/2009
I doubt that I'll ever get bored of slice-of-life stories, so you shouldn't worry about this one person at least. XD It's wonderful to see you tackle how these characters handle everyday life; which is obviously much harder for them than saving the world is. You really took a firm step in portraying Anzu as a true teenager here, paying good attention to the sorts of things that teenage girls tend to worry about in regards to their appearance. Yuugi, of course, gets double points for being the adorable friend who didn't even notice the lack of make-up. Also, for some reason Sugoroku stood out to me as being well written in this one.
Rassilon001 chapter 1 . 1/6/2009
Short and sweet. A nice way to wile away the ever tedious work hours. Thank you for this. I'd offer criticism, but you seem to so rarely make mistakes its unwelcome. That said, wonderful characterization, wonderful descriptive paragraphs, and wonderful plotless little story. Kudos.

Now... on to your other work...!
the Under-Cover Fangirl chapter 1 . 1/5/2009

LOL, Anzu's mother's name Meron. That's clever! I think that that also means melon, right? And Anzu means peach?

I so envy your talent for making characters so life-like with your "slice of life" ficlets. You include such astounding human detail that I can't stop imagining it.

Very cute!
nupinoop296 chapter 1 . 1/4/2009
XD LOL! I know how she feels! How embarrassing!
Anzu Fan chapter 1 . 1/4/2009
If your versions of Anzu and Yuugi get any more realistically loveable, I shall have a fit. I feel like Anzu did this morning -every- morning. But Yuugi never shows up to make -me- toast. Well, we can't have everything in life. Unless we're reading your stories. Then, we get fabulous reading material.
tinkletimekelly chapter 1 . 1/3/2009
I actually enjoyed this piece. Nicely done!
Death101- Fox Version chapter 1 . 1/3/2009

MyAibou chapter 1 . 1/3/2009
Utterly charming. I love that Anzu wanted to impress Yugi for a change. :)
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