Reviews for London Bridges
SoulMore chapter 1 . 8/23/2012
Sunshinecackle chapter 1 . 2/24/2010
This definitely made me happy. I love seeing new RudeReno stuff I didn't catch last time I looked, and this just made me smile. Especially when Rude's kiss turned into a jackhammer. xD Good job, keep writing! 8D
anon chapter 1 . 7/6/2009
love it, both Rude and Reno are so beautifully character, and I adore your writing. 3
TheDoublemintTwins11 chapter 1 . 3/6/2009
"There was a sound, too, repetitive, almost dull. After a minute he recognized it as his own name..." I really liked that line... there was something about it that seemed to fit with the situation really well. I love stories like this, and I definitely think they deserve more credit than they get!

"I don't like this, partner," said Reno breathlessly. "I'd really like to join you up there now." was another line that I liked. it was sad and cute, but kind of amusing too. All in all, I loved the story, it was a good read _
Inspiral chapter 1 . 1/20/2009
This was fantastic! I love the combination of danger, wit and fluffy love.
Deepclaw chapter 1 . 1/4/2009
Wow! Hey! I agree! The characterization was fun and Reno was funny in a weak way. You know, like he was weak and couldn't say much but managed to crack some jokes anyway. lol not weak like weak. yeah, i dunno what im saying anymore.

ANYway, i also really liked Rude. Obviously the quiet type but in this instance he's more willing to talk. The slash was implied but not heavy and this focused, i thought, more on their friendship than JUST them in bed, you know? It was refreshing! :D

Your grammar was great, the story's organization was nice, the plot was simple but held a lot of weight, and the wording was good too. the setting/wording was descriptive, but not TO descriptive or angsty or romantic and stuff. And yet, i can imagine where they are with clarity because you've given me room to imagine where they are, what they're looking like, etc. you know what i mean?

Great job! Thank you for sharing! I hope to read more! :D
Lemon Wine chapter 1 . 1/4/2009
Wonderful characterizations~!