Reviews for My Sister Rosalie, Book I: Captor
IamKeenan chapter 3 . 5/3
Small towns, and getting to know the newcomers takes on a whole new flavor in this chapter, in which geophf vividly describes Bella and Edward’s second encounter. Bella is flattered, but, I think she should, instead, be wondering why he stared at her so intently. I’d be concerned that he was a future stalker, or worse. Lol Loved the way geophf subtly nudged the tension up just a bit.
IamKeenan chapter 2 . 3/31
I loved this chapter. I loved all the details geophf gives, from Bella’s point of view, about the newcomers to her small Montana town, and, about the town itself because I could put myself in Bella’s place and experience what she was, and feel what she was, both about her town, and about the Hales. Great start.
IamKeenan chapter 88 . 3/26
I just finished Chapter 88, and, geophf you’ve blown me away! You’re so talented and your words touch me, so deeply. I read a few of the reviews written by other readers, and, I can tell they feel the same way.

I’m looking forward to starting this amazing book at the beginning, and following Rosalie and Bella’s story to the end.
Guest chapter 92 . 3/15
This was so fucking good
Theunder017 chapter 2 . 1/26
It's been 3 years since I read this. It's a not-so-small comfort, to be able to come to it and to these characters, and look at them with different eyes.

Wherever you are/whatever you're up to, thank you for this wonderful work, Geophf.
LS505956 chapter 52 . 7/6/2018
This story is absolutely stunning. I love how you casually enter bits of philosophy and theology into the content; it's both funny (at least to me) and fascinating.
You'reBeautifulDontDeny chapter 1 . 4/27/2018
Wrosty chapter 92 . 3/13/2018
Thank you for that story. Normally i don't read stories with first persons pov etc. But some other stories change my mind about it and i give it a shot too. And im not regretting it. İ didn't understand the first chapters,but then i started to like it. The way you describe your characters,the way you write,and didn't skip the progress they making into their personalities.İn some fanfictions,people just write Rosalie as heartless demon. And they write Bella either too bold,or too shy and awkward. And they can do that, but they skip the parts how she made this progress in herself and it cause me to dislike the you didn't do that. İ also like the humor you put. Which is Bella's inner talk. Bella is smart and we know it from the series, she is Charlie's daughter after all. İt showed in this story. You have a real talent and a real patience for writing 92 chapter ! İ would be too lazy. Anyway,im waiting more of your stories.i wish you continued success?

Detective Prince Bluebottle chapter 1 . 11/3/2017
what the fuck
Anonymous chapter 1 . 10/30/2017
YES! I remember reading this story what feels like forever ago. But then life happened, and I stopped reading for a time, losing bookmarks and forgetting titles of awesome works.

But now, I've found this amazing story. AND it's completed?! I'm so hyped!

Thank you so much for this beautiful work. I can't wait to read through and fall in love with it all over again. You are an amazing writer, and I definitely plan on checking out your other stories whenever I have the time :)
avalynnelfe chapter 92 . 4/10/2017
and, I'm finished. you know what a journey it has been for me, and I can't thank you enough for writing this story! yes, it has taken me a lot longer than it usually would to get through this, but that is more a testament of how good your writing is than anything else. it has been hard, and there have been several instances in which I didn't know if I could go on, but Bella could, and if she can then so can I! it has been a story that has taught me so much, that has made me think and question myself and my actions, and I felt every second of everything Bella has been through. and even now, it is not the end. I will first read the story from Rosalie's perspective, for one because you recommended it and also because I desperately want to get a little more insight into how her brain works, and then, I will gladly be moving on to what there is of the second part of this one big, epic story. I don't even know what else to say, except for another heartfelt THANK YOU. and like I said, it doesn't matter if you don't write another single word in your whole life. with this story you have given me something nobody else has and it is something that I treasure so so much. I don't know how to describe it, but please just know that.
avalynnelfe chapter 88 . 4/4/2017
I would have expected this chapter to turn out a lot worse from the summary at the beginning... I'm glad Rosalie didn't take advantage of Bella. I didn't think she would, she is abiding by her principles too strongly for that, and I do believe that somewhere deep down, whatever else she may try to convince herself of, she just cares about Bella and doesn't want to take this from her... I'm already fearing the next morning and whatever their conversation is going to end up as, but I'm holding out hope that it will be better that I expect it to be, even though it is, without doubt, still not going to be good...
Fish and Bird chapter 11 . 3/27/2017
The interplay of the two women when Bella first awoke was as captivating as it was lean.

A crime I often find fanfic guilty of - and here I do not exclude my own execrable scribblings - is that of excessive verbiage. Here you have crafted a dialogue which is believable and fresh and I look forward to seeing more of this Rosalie.
Fish and Bird chapter 2 . 3/20/2017
Wow! It's always (for me) a thrill when I read that first chapter of a new story and find it to be well written. It bodes well for the next chapter and tends to rob me of my sleep, unfortunately.

"If a thing be worth doing, do it well. Be it not..." et cetera

I look forward to the coming chapters.
avalynnelfe chapter 83 . 3/19/2017
let me just say that this development was pretty unexpected. now more than ever, I would absolutely love having a little more insight into what Rosalie is feeling and thinking because from Bella's perspective, I have to admit it is kind of confusing. also, I'm doubtful everything is just going to be peachy from now on. that didn't happen after the equals thing, and also, it just wouldn't fit with the overall story and characterization. there is just no way this is happily ever after. and honestly, I'm sort of glad, as that means the story goes on
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