Reviews for Snakes for Christmas
Guest chapter 2 . 1/1/2017
Snakes for Christmas is a true gem!
Azamiko chapter 2 . 8/12/2010
XD McKay wrestled a snake! Ha!
MissStability chapter 1 . 5/2/2009
I don't know if this is the proper place to leave this comment, but I've only just actually registered with FF, and it was mostly just so I could tell you that I've been following your fiction for years. Years! You're my favourite fanfiction author EVER (highest honour possible, no joke). Anyways, I started reading on account of my deep love/fascination of Ezra, and then when you started in on Stargate Atlantis, well, I started watching it so's I could enjoy your fics properly.

I check for updates all the bloody time, but it just dawned on me that while I've loved your fics from afar, I've never said a damn word. So here it is: You rock, darlin'. Keep doin' what you're doing. I'll happily read ANYTHING you write.
Jinxauthor Mel chapter 2 . 4/30/2009
Interesting that Rodney *noticed* these things about his colleagues, pity none appreciated he genuinely seemed to care about them or their wishes. I wonder if they made use of their gifts, though ...
Super-girl-straight-from-hell chapter 2 . 3/22/2009
lol - loved this and the ending!
flah7 chapter 2 . 3/1/2009
Secret Santa!

The image if Rodney wrestling the snake was awesome. Great fun.

The discussion of the jewlery and paints cracked me up.

Fantastic story. What a fun read.
flah7 chapter 1 . 3/1/2009
Rodney's response to Ronon's description of his injuries was great. Busted rib: no problem people get them all the time.

The observation about them falling down the hole, the tree and is he hurt, Rodney's response cracked me up.

Rodney's description of the explosion was hysterical.

Snakes...not so cool.

Pure awesome in chapter 1 on to chapter 2
Tipper chapter 2 . 1/21/2009
You can use my Sergeant Johnson any time you want, my lovely! He's free for all! (Oh! Did I mention he was in Enemy at the Gate! In the scene where Teyla, Lorne, Ronon and McKay are heading through the wormhole, he's on the left side, guarding it, cute glasses and all! They're black rimmed now...not that I pay attention to that sort of thing. hee. But, oh, I could have hugged him! Way to survive four years in Atlantis, my favorite extra of all time!)

ANYWAY, you deserve so, so, so much love for this! And GateBiscuit is going to LOVE you for all the Lorne Mocking! There must be more Lorne Mocking in the world! LOL! And, speaking as a big fan of a certain young doctor, I'm very certain she'd be all for a little prank of the snake kind. "Screamed like a girl" indeed. ROFL!

And you had McKay attack the snake! I so wasn't expecting that! Nor that *Zelenka* would be the one to have messed with the jumper, or any of the rest. It's like a breath of fresh air to flout the fanon! Did I mention how awesome you are? Your stories are as twisty as the prettiest snake, and as funny as, well, McKay. (I'm going to miss him so damned much)

Oh, oh, one more thing, from the first part, Ronon's means to hunt snakes? Absolutely gorgeous. Who doesn't love a good explosion!
Tipper chapter 1 . 1/21/2009
Oh man, so much to love!

I loved the beginning, how easily it was to discern that it wasn't McKay or Sheppard (or Teyla) who was hurt.

I loved the reluctant way Ronon admitted his pain.

I LOVED the attempt to move the trees! I could see it happening so easily! Poor man! And poor McKay! I would hate to have to watch that.

And then all the secret santa stuff! The snake for Ruby (Squee!), the terrible gifts McKay gave (and the even worse ones he received in return. Titanic? Really? Who does that! That's just cruel.) And just all his babbling, trying to keep Ronon awake.

And then the beautiful purple snake...creeping ever closer...

How awesome are you? (And, you know, the shoveling isn't *that* bad. Hee hee hee)
mcatB chapter 1 . 1/14/2009
I enjoyed this story - the mindless babbling Rodney does, the hurt and confused Ronon and even the Monty Python reference! Thanks for some good Ronon h/c!
nebbyJen chapter 2 . 1/3/2009
What a great little story that I finally got to read. I loved Lorne's scream, Rodney actually did something semi heroic, and Ronon being Ronon. Nice.
drufan chapter 2 . 12/29/2008
Oh that was a hoot! Secret Santas can be so onesided or just unbearable. I like the pirate exchange better.

Rodney was so himself and poor Ronon. Sheppard and Teyla stuck in the Jumper is just about perfect. Such fun and thanks!
kamelion chapter 2 . 12/29/2008
Perfection as always!

"It was a big tree."

*rolls with laughter*
Frisco chapter 2 . 12/27/2008
Hee! This was awesome. I LOVED Rodney attacking the snake. Your voices are perfect, and the story is hilarious with a wonderful side of whump. Poor Lorne...
GateBiscuit chapter 2 . 12/27/2008
So glorious. You KNOW improper use of explosive materials is one of my favorite forms of mayhem! You bring the pain! You bring the funk! The story is pure joy!

Secret Santa gone horribly wrong may be my new favorite form of mayhem. Reap the whirlwind, Lorne! That'll teach him.

Love this fic! Lurve it!
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