Reviews for What They Leave Behind
Guest chapter 22 . 6/6
I really liked this story... to bad it will never update :(
musicalpandas chapter 22 . 5/25/2015
I've loved this story for years and I neeed to know the end! Please finish this!
shimmer-light chapter 22 . 2/26/2015
I can't believe you stopped here. T_T Way too cruel...
Chelsea619 chapter 22 . 7/16/2014
PLEEEEEAAAAAASE UPDATE THIS STORY! THE FEELS FOR THIS STORY ARE TO REAL! I NEED TO READ MORE! I'm so sad that you haven't updated in such a long time X(
Guest chapter 22 . 3/25/2014
Please tell me you will finish this. I just came across your story the other day and read it please tell me you will finish this. (stops begging and scurries away)
ashley.herrera.16547 chapter 22 . 3/3/2014
glitteringfairy42 chapter 22 . 12/22/2013
GAH! I was hoping that this was completed! It's so good, and well I spent the whole day reading it ". I love what you have been doing with this piece and I really hope that there is more to come!
Sinful-Metaphor chapter 22 . 12/2/2013
I hope you haven't stopped updating this story. What a cliffhanger! And what a great chapter, by the way. I sincerely feared for Cloud's physical safety there. Finally, Cloud, I'm so proud of you for coming clean. I got to admit though, Zack is kind of a jerk (and so is Squall, please go decay both of you).

That whole thing when Cloud went to Zack's in the morning and Aerith was there... ugh! I was indeed rooting for Zack up until that moment - now I want him to suffer. It's no fair. He completely lead Cloud on knowing he was fragile (not only because of Squall but the whole deal with Roxas as well) and now he says they can't be together "like that"? What the hell Zack, you don't say that to Cloud-Ever! :( it got me so mad. Of course that in the end of the day I still want them to patch up and be all lovey-dovey. Those were the highlights of your story, because they were so rare (and I don't mean the M-stuff, I mean when they were sweet to each other). But I'm quite looking forward to what will happen next. Please update soon :3
punkyfish208 chapter 22 . 9/26/2013
Oh my god, this is just perfect. The writing, the story - all these elements you put in which are really effective in how they help move the story along and help relationships progress. I think you've done a totally awesome job with this, and I can't wait to see how it turns out. Please update soon! :))
AndiAi chapter 22 . 8/29/2013
Oh my gosh. When.I saw that you updated I fanboyed ;-; I'm so excited for this to come to a conclusion
xxAka.Amexx chapter 22 . 8/27/2013
Well damn o.o Thanks for the update, first of all. I liked it! But...POOP! I feel bad for Cloudy! I'm really happy that he's starting to take care of himself, that's really important. However, it seems kind of, he's just shutting himself away from everyone, not really moving on. It's really sad actually. Pushing everyone away is the incorrect move. Too bad he just couldn't start running to clear his mind. After all, exercise is good for stress control and depression. And double POOP on Zack, mainly because I'm a huge ZackxCloud fan. He shouldn't have done anything with Cloud, or suggested anything. Cloud was ( and still is) depressed and emotionally vulnerable. Zack unintentionally took advantage of him when he glued himself to Cloud's hip. I know he meant it for the better, but emotionally unstable people are far too complex to just start a tight friendship. They WILL get extremely attached and dependent on the other party. I know Zack meant no harm (after all, he's practically the nicest guy in FF), but he should've handled the situation better. And come on, wanting to maintain the friendship that they once had after everything that happened?! Come on! He had to have known that Cloud had some sort of feelings for him, especially after the b-job and all. I can't imagine Cloud's character casually doing something like that. This is so messed up! I can't imagine them together after all of this. I know Cloud has feelings for Zack, but I don't think Zack feels the same. Some attraction yeah, but not the same with Aerith. I don't know. It's complex lol

Anyways, thanks for the update, again! This has to be the best ZackxCloud story. It's not cheesy or over-dramatic. I can totally see this occurring in real life, minus the tremendous amount of hot guys hahaha
Namine23 chapter 22 . 8/26/2013
Aw, poor, Cloud. I feel some tears coming on. Now I'm mad at Zack for breaking his heart!

Also, something I really love about this chapter is that it wasn't predictable, you definitely surprised me. When Cloud was fighting with that very rude guy, I thought for sure that you were going to do something cheesy like make Basch, Zack, or even Seifer, come out of nowhere, jump in, and protect, Cloud. But you didn't. Cloud stood his ground and he didn't let himself get talked to in such a revolting way. Thank you, it's been a log time since I've been surprised like that.

Thank you for the story. I can't wait for the next chapter. Good luck!
Demon2Angel chapter 22 . 8/26/2013
This story is getting better n better and I've just reached a new level of respect for Cloud I hope things get better for him
Hero-of-the-Dawn chapter 22 . 8/26/2013
I read all 22 chapters in one day I'll have you know. and as for all the apologies in the notes for the past chapters I never saw anything to apologize for. you have an awesome story here and I'm really intrigued by what you have done with the characters. they are very relatable and very real as well. I'm eager for the next chapter to see what happens next.
keldjinfae chapter 22 . 8/26/2013
Having trouble logging in on my username, but I just wanted to let you know that I'm so excited and bummed that this story is coming to an end. And you updated so quickly this time! Wow! For this chapter specifically, I'm so glad that Cloud has finally discovered his own inner strength, what he's capable of and what he wants for himself. And I particularly enjoyed how you handled his confrontation, how it was nothing too "I'm suddenly helpless" or too "I'm surprisingly badass". It was just as scary and quick and unbelievable as it needed to be, and it wasn't the center of the chapter.

Seriously, I can't believe this story is almost over. It's been years. I'll have to reread it or something. How many more chapters did you say? One? Phew.
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