Reviews for A Freaking Mess
Audrey Kurosaki chapter 1 . 6/16/2013
i really love it !
purplepam chapter 1 . 9/18/2012
Aww...Ichigo's so overprotective...It turned kinda yandere-ish at the end don't you think so?
Guest chapter 1 . 7/2/2012
possessive bastard
zero09q chapter 1 . 6/12/2012
hehehe yeah she's not gentle to you but she's gentle to everyone else, Ichigo is weird first he was saying things like she is not gentle, beautiful, arrogant, and she was his gateway to death hehehe now he is saying stuff like he is going to kiss the hell and the life out of her, and that she is his, well he said more than that but he is a weird guy.
FangirlIssues31 chapter 1 . 12/1/2011
shie0917 chapter 1 . 8/19/2011
XD cute! lol~ love the ending!
Hidden Masked chapter 1 . 6/5/2011
WOW! THIS IS SO HOT! I officially love Ichigo more here! :D
GuessWho25 chapter 1 . 2/13/2011
I guess I can kinda see Ichigo thinking like this, but it is a bit to much on the violent side to sound like him
DarkSmile chapter 1 . 7/11/2010
Hah, I love how he goes from talking about how wonderful his mother was to talking about spoon someone's eyes out of there sockets and happily slaughtering them if they dare to touch Rukia , and I love how it made sense. (the transition) ;p
XxStrawberry PrincessxX chapter 1 . 4/13/2010
Ah! It was adorable! I loved it! :) Adds to favorites... Click... Now
Goku's Daughter chapter 1 . 11/8/2009
eh why have I never read this before?

(checks the date)


Well I really enjoyed this! Ahha it's hilarious! And why they're awesome together XD XD XD XD

/Don’t get me wrong. I’m not trying to figure this whole love shit thing out./

Its so true. Ichigo is stupid when it comes to these things. I just know it!

/The little ass midget didn’t even come back with me after going through all that trouble of changing my life and finally stopping the rain that seemed to go on forever inside my soul./

Im not going to lie; I was pissed that Rukia was going to stay in SS. LOL! (that was 3-4 years ago and I still remembered I was pissed haha - damn, Bleach didn't go that far since then HAHAHA)

Thanks for the fic!

Time to bed, and thinking of new chapters!

Keep writing!


Black Sun Upon An Icy Sky chapter 1 . 9/7/2009
Don’t get me wrong. I’m not trying to figure this whole love shit thing out. But I do know that I want to punch a wall when she’s not there. And I do understand that if she ever gets herself half killed again, I’ll slam her on a wall and kiss the hell and the life out of her. And I do know that if anyone touches her except for me, they’re dead before they can regret it. And if anyone looks at her the wrong way, I’ll personally spoon their eyes out of their sockets and happily slaughter them.

I liked the murderous part :D

Well, it's a lot better than my first try 'The Eleventh Aspect of Death'. hell, 33 Reviews and most of them were about 'It's Ulquiorra nor Urukiora'. Geez, annoying :D

I really like this fic. It's much more original than some other I read, honestly.
cherrichik chapter 1 . 5/26/2009
me like, me like... defs a fave :)

ElfishScallywag chapter 1 . 5/24/2009
Haa. Love it, it's so cute and true. Ichigo's such a tart.

And to reply to your reviewreply from your other story- don't worry, you're not that messed up :P It's rather logical she'd kiss him on the cheek, with him cheerfully introducing his fiancée five seconds later and the whole group of friends around them (he's not Harry Potter. ...Wow, where did that come from? Anyway, I don't think that would happen if she's had a crush on him for way longer, she'd have more control and wouldn't do it when she knew he had a girlfriend. Anyway, now I'm seeing Kaien as Harry Potter. WTH.) and because she's... Rukia.
SeraphinaDonna chapter 1 . 4/12/2009
Oh possessive!

Funny but at the same time totally Ichigo.

'The first time she met me, she bouned me with a freaky spell'Hehe. I think there was two spells there instead of one.

Great job!
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