Reviews for An Honest Attempt At Holiday
Bonnielass90 chapter 1 . 4/13/2010
Lovely drabble Tina. Once again you pursued your muse into helping you achieve another success. Even if personally, I am not a fan of Cutler Beckett (sometimes in the movie I only wished to strangle him!), he is a nice character in the end.

You made me curious to know more about him! Congrats to that :P

Needless to say you rocked once more!
broadwaybaby529 chapter 1 . 1/21/2009
This kinda creeped me out. That guy isn't meant to have a fiance!
damsel-in-stress chapter 1 . 12/5/2008
Interesting new take on the Beckett pairing.

A nice, original idea, i don't think anyone’s thought about Beckett being the one who dislikes the match. There could be a fic idea in there. ;)

A clever response to the challenge.

Nytd chapter 1 . 12/4/2008
Wow! Interesting idea that Cutler might not be the resitant party. There was a lot of background and influence of that background in a short space.

Unique and cool response to the drabble prompt! :)
Dr. Sugar chapter 1 . 12/4/2008
Lovely job, mate. I could beleive that Beckett would have gone through 3 fiancées; he's not exactly a ladies man. ;)

Happy Holidays!
FreedomOftheSeas chapter 1 . 12/4/2008
Wow, very nice drabble and creative response to the challenge! It's an interesting twist to the typical idea of Cutler's wife being unwilling to him. Instead, now, it's the other way around.

Get response once again!