Reviews for The Warrior
ARJaJRA chapter 22 . 8/9
I adore this story. I hope that you do come back to finish it.

The interactions between Chaka and Yuffie are adorable. You're characterization of everyone was spot on.

I'm not secretly hoping you've already finished the entire story and are only having doubts about posting. You're a wonderful writer. Thank you for sharing at least this much.
misfire chapter 22 . 5/31
i so wish you were still writing this.
sasurina chapter 22 . 4/26
Happy birthday Faerlyte! I'll make sure to keep re-reading and checking your story for updates until you're 90 hehe.
I hope Sephiroth and Tifa will sort out that misunderstanding between them soon. Don't give up, Sephiroth! It's your first and probably only chance of happiness :(
Sak chapter 22 . 12/8/2019
I wasn't too sure what was going on when Tifa woke up from her nightmare... She punched the wall with like... Super power?
Anyway every part with Sephiroth is wonderful and every part when he's not talking he's missed.
I'm thinking Tifa wouldn't have such a wide vocabulary as he does though... But it is nice to learn some new words for me, heh.
Glad they landed safely from that storm... Very exciting writing I feel the gusts from here in my dark little room.
Thanks and Good luck in life
Sak chapter 21 . 12/8/2019
I just knew he would stop to get that doll haha!
Poor Yuffie and her chili cheese fries that I really want to eat now. Better get in the kitchen and make dinner.

The fact that he kissed her in public just to show some teens he wasn't available was somewhat degrading and also very sexy ! I loved the way Tifa liked the kiss ;)

So Chaka and Yuffie have to get married...
Sak chapter 20 . 12/8/2019
That's why it's good I'm rereading, so I won't have to reread the last chapter before your update.
One thing I've wanted to say a long time ago is ShinRa HAS to have more than two elevators in their building. My brother in law lived on the 49th floor of a huge building and they had 6 lifts ;) but it's a great way to meet hot characters.
Anyway, Sephiroth Blushing because he was called sweet (or his action of saving the cat Soldier) was TOO ADORABLE.
Your write beautifully
Sak chapter 19 . 12/8/2019
If he healed her hands did he also heal his nose after crashing it back? And Tifa spitting on the dirty handkerchief to clean his face was classic.
Oh and btw a few chapters back when Yuffie said Chaka's walk was undulating I ROFL. In the dark on my bed next to my sleeping baby. It was too good .
A sad Sephiroth is a Sephiroth worth hugging.
Sak chapter 18 . 12/8/2019
But really though... Why a gas chamber? If it were hanging... No I think they would should could have gone with electric chair... Horrible and almost impossible to escape from.
Anyway YES she's wearing something slutty I mean feminine I mean her original game outfit! Rude taking rotten produce for her is just romantic
Sak chapter 17 . 12/8/2019
Dang. how could the president drop the plate a few days before his address? Or we that why he did the address? No it was already planned.
Anyway. Omg. Sephi. So glad her violent CPR got him going again but how she's captured :(
Sak chapter 16 . 12/8/2019
You don't suck. *Rolls eyes* stop that negative talk.

And as for Rude in the elevator... MmHMMmmMMM... But how does Tifa know him in this time Frame? Anyhoo... Hehe.
Now let's see what's her assignment... Kill Sephiroth or kill Cloud?
Sak chapter 15 . 12/7/2019
Things are going DOWN!
Oh and cloud did too. Oopsies
Sak chapter 14 . 12/7/2019
Closet party of our favourite characters. So much plot. Genesis. And then Sephiroth chasing Tifa into the stairways to take his (first?)kiss. Gah!
Sak chapter 13 . 12/7/2019
Angeal discovering her was wonderful. Take care of Sephy please!
And here comes the sugar Rush of Yuffie and chaka together.
Sak chapter 12 . 12/7/2019
Omg mission Impossible diet secret sexy agents Tifa and Vincent meet under cover, so good!
But Sephiroth and Tifa together omg too good. And then he catching her catching cloud and Aerith together, ay, so good,!
You write action super well
Sak chapter 11 . 12/7/2019
Gah! Your writing is so RICH. Every sentence and description is a mouth full of delectable edible words I happily consume. Or something.
I just love our fav two teaming up like that
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