Reviews for Scrooged
creativesm75 chapter 4 . 2/21/2013
Onizuka Inc chapter 4 . 4/1/2010
That was a fun read, but different from the other works I've read from you. Of course it was very Ron centric (as far as i can tell, most of your stories are), and there's the sexual jokes revolving around Kim and Ron that show up in most of your stories, but an overall different feel to the whole narrative. However, I feel the same type of humor throughout (which I enjoy) and your writing style is consistently fluid. I look forward to reading more from you
Logan chapter 2 . 11/18/2009
Yeah I'm crazy! Crazy like a squirrel! LOL!
Some1outthere chapter 4 . 4/30/2009
aww... that was such a happy ending for the couple, I really, really love it (though Kim should actually wait for Ron to beg for forgiveness, I mean, he was such a jerk, she shouldn't have forgiven him that easy)... anyway, still, thay're back together, yay! D nice one, realy, really, lovin' it! looking forward for more awesome tales like this... (or perhapes, update the old ones D)
soulman3 chapter 4 . 4/27/2009
I really enjoyed this story.I love your verison of the movie.

Ron relationship with Kim and friendship with Monique was the most touching was with his little never give up on help change his heart for the better.

I couldn't stop laughing with Ned singing "Santa is coming to town' while about to blast Ron.!

I hope some day you do a story about Ron and to see if Ron like over protect like or lad back like his father was?When Hana become a teenager.

Once again thanks.
Niken-sama chapter 4 . 4/23/2009
This story is awesome, i ama lways and sall forver be a Kim Possible fan and these types of fanfics are the reaons why, keep up the good work.

Nuff love and respect

Danny-171984 chapter 4 . 4/17/2009
haha! Nice ending. It was so random...kinda like Ron! LOL! you did a great job. Everyone got a weird, good kind of way. Until next time.

theotherdave chapter 4 . 4/16/2009
I love this fic. One to remember to read again in 8 months
Joe Stoppinghem chapter 4 . 4/15/2009
And the world will be a better place.

Strange looks in deed, but it was worth it.

Great chapter, had the most fun b/r it.

As always, your works are inspirational, humorous, warm and enjoyable. This one choked me up at the end, especially when Ron gets the best gift of all, a second chance with someone very special in his life.

K/R hurricane rocks!

Thanks for all the time and effort you put into your writings.
Katsumara chapter 4 . 4/15/2009
Great finish, yvj! Happy to see a happy ending for Kim and Ron here.
screaming phoenix chapter 4 . 4/15/2009
Now that’s the way to end this tale! A lot of Ron Stoppable magic at the end. I hate to see Ron distance himself from Kim for any reason but when he gets his head out of his nether regions he realizes that he has been a jerk and comes back to what made him remarkable in the first place. Well Done!
MrDrP chapter 4 . 4/15/2009
I should comment on narrative flow, strategic use of humor, the clever references to fan fiction in the conclusion or the way you somehow finally made Ron Stoppable fit the Bill Murray role. Instead, I'll just say, that "Friends, Romulans, Countrymen" was one of the funniest things I've read on this site in a long time.
bigherb81 chapter 4 . 4/15/2009
This was a good chapter this one flowed a whole lot better than the last one did. As far as not getting too 'Bill Murray' with Ron I gotta admit on this one that would be hard I mean the guy was awsome in this role I mean he was the most original Scrooge ever, and does the guy get credit! NO! This movie should be a Christmas classic like 'A Christmas Story' but no they do a remake with Tori 'Horseface' Spelling! I mean come on people! Sorry got a little carried away there *breath*. Nama say nama say nama say. Where was I, yes great job on this last chapter. The end of the movie always choked me up a bit still choked me up even reading it.

Also liked the change to the scene in the sound booth when Rhinelander calls. "He still never liked a man quite like he likes you." good stuff man. That part actually had me laughing out loud I'm lucky it's late and no one was here. Also nice touch in keeping Kim still so...modest about certain things. Great job putting a little 'Ron stank' on it at the end there and congrats on another completion under the belt. Great job and hey, Merry Christmas.
CajunBear73 chapter 4 . 4/15/2009
Good wrap-up to this one. Yeah I can see how it was a bit difficult to mesh Ron with Bill, but you gave it the flavor of the 'never be normal' guy with all the trimmings of the KP gang.

Gibsonmar chapter 4 . 4/14/2009
Well i know that i almost never review but in a masochist way i love the story, you have to like a little drama followed by happily ever after endings to like any of your stories, so i guess i am one of those readers. Congraatulation, great story
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