Reviews for Did You Know?
Anna Belle chapter 1 . 1/28/2014
Nice poem, I found Nathan a very interesting character. Reading other's reviews as to why he is alive is going to cause me to rewatch Blood again but my theory originally was that Saya's blood can only kill when she is in a state of battle (when her eyes turn red), this was stated when asked why they cannot just take her blood, and her eyes were not red when she slay Nathan.
sympliicity chapter 1 . 7/5/2011
I cried when I read this and thought about how Diva died. Poor, Diva, the only chevalier who truly cared for her was, Nathan.
Deathbringerofvengance chapter 1 . 7/6/2010
there's a part at the second to last episode with nathan where right after diva dies he asks saya to kill him. he says something right before she slices him that sealed it for me. He was her mothers chavalier and the possibility of him being her father is extremely high. there i've said my piece oh and good job!

yoli18 chapter 1 . 7/3/2010
mySoulmyLovemyLife chapter 1 . 3/27/2009
Nathan is alive because he is Diva's mother's chevalier not hers. Nice poem BTW
BondSlave chapter 1 . 12/7/2008
Good poem. I have a theory of how he survived. He mentions often that he was there before Diva and Saya, which means he's over 157 years old. I believe he was there mother's chavalier, and that he could even be there father, after all he really doesn't take sides, he protects both, and often has a say in the plans and so on. He also is very powerful, and none of the other chavaliers mess with him cause they know he is. Also, seeing as though he is an original first generation chavalier it make sence that diva and saya's blood would not affect him.
Escape my reality chapter 1 . 11/28/2008
this is really good
Jessesgirl1549 chapter 1 . 11/27/2008
I luv Nathan! Hes amazing! Great story.
darisu-chan chapter 1 . 11/27/2008
Aww! beautiful! I've never thought about nathan loving diva in a different way. And about how nathan is still alive, well most say that is because he's diva and saya's mother chevalier. Anyways good fic, loved it.