Reviews for Not Every Gentleman
Sarah chapter 12 . 10/18/2012
I just finished reading what you have written and enjoyed it greatly. I don't know if you have more written and not posted but I would like to see how it ends. Would love to read more.
Hedwig's Owl chapter 12 . 4/6/2010
This is a cool story. I liked the twist of Edward being Elizabeth.
yoyoente chapter 11 . 2/15/2010
Oh my god! I was totally expecting something different. When you first started the relationship with Edward and Darcy, in fact, I had thought that this would be some really weird slash fic...but, this? Truly
green-as-elphaba chapter 11 . 2/3/2010
haha! i knew it! geez...i was slow to figure it out at first but then i thought about it and Edward is like a male version of Elizabeth and it clicked! Anyways, nice story there! :D
tyc123 chapter 12 . 1/27/2009
Actual chapter 12 review:

This really befuddles me.

JANE doesn't know?

Then you treat this whole chapter with Edward as a guy again?

I'm confused.

Did I miss something?

Is Edward, Edward or Elizabeth?


I thought this would play out either E/D, or Elizabeth/Darcy and Edward/Caroline(which would have been magnificent), but now... yargh.

I'm going to read the ending now.


So I read that.

And actually, in its entirety it works a lot better.

I still don't think it makes a whole lot of sense for not even Jane to have known, but still.

It's an awesome story.

I feel quite terrible for Caroline though.

Great work.
tyc123 chapter 11 . 1/27/2009

I have 50 notecards for a research paper due tomorrow, and I'm not doing it to read this story.


I might as well keep reading just because I've gone through 11 freaking chapters, but honestly, this makes no sense.

1. How does no one notice anything in the voice?

2. How is his build not noticed as womanly?

3. He/she seemed attracted to Caroline earlier(which made me quite pleased, by the way)?

Sorry, but this just doesn't make any logical sense to me for no one to have figured this out in 20 years.
tyc123 chapter 5 . 1/27/2009
So, I'm having trouble figuring out if Edward wants Darcy or Caroline.

But the suspense is good.

Great story so far.
tyc123 chapter 2 . 1/27/2009
Kinda seems like he's in love with his sister, but ok...

I like it.
DarcyForever chapter 12 . 1/26/2009
This was an excellent story - one of the best I've read so far! I read it twice!

I agree with the some of the reviewers - please write a epilogue chapter for 2 reasons: (1) Darcy POV (when did he move from being abhorred of the deception to feeling sorry for her injuries to falling in love with her?) and (2) give Caroline a "happy ending". I really feel sorry for Caroline in this story - she seemed like she cared for Edward, not at all like she chased after Darcy previously.
Biel chapter 12 . 1/26/2009
The scene when they both meet at Jane's wedding is so wonderfully awkward! I loved it, and the ending was so sweet.

Any plans for upcoming stories?
cherrytone chapter 12 . 1/25/2009
Thanks for posting this story in your archive so that I didn't have to wait on fanfiction to read the conclusion of this very interesting story. I think that this is such a unique story line. I have read many and this is by far the most unique and entertaining. Thanks for taking the time to write it.
Anonymous chapter 12 . 1/25/2009
This story was fantastic! I read the whole story from your bio's link.

I was hoping to see a little more of Darcy/Lizzy bantering at the end to get a glimpse into Darcy's POV through out the tale - perhaps you can update with a closing chapter?

You're an excellent storyteller. Please write more for fanfiction
Alpha Vegetable chapter 12 . 1/25/2009
Aww! Thanks for the link, this is a great story - but ... yes, there is a but... it ended too soon! Maybe you could write a bit more? Or maybe not, it's your choice, but I would like more! I love this story. AC
annna chapter 12 . 1/25/2009
Thanks for telling how to find the link to the end of your story! I loved reading it! But there are a few things I'd still love to know... perhaps you could write an epilogue from Darcys view? Telling us what he really thought when Edward revealed his secret? Or when they met again at Bingley's marriage?

I'd really like to read more!
Meduusa chapter 11 . 1/24/2009
I'm not going to lie, I so did NOT see that coming... excellent curveball.
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