Reviews for The End
XsWittyHumor chapter 1 . 9/25/2009
OMG! I love dark sasori fics. srry hav a little emo side to me and loved the story but in pissed. why did sasori hav to die. make another sasori story PLZ! :3
spirited curiosities chapter 1 . 8/30/2009
This was so sad...but so beautifully written! Sasori's emotions were expressed wonderfully by the eloquence you used to make it even more lovely!

Awesome job! :D
addictedtoinuyasha chapter 1 . 11/25/2008

your right, it is so much better than in math class...

And you so don't phale. (just so you know)

Awsome, amazing, fantastic, sincere, depressing, sweet, sad, um...*tries to think of more adjectives*...truly beautiful.