Reviews for The Other Side of The World
charlie947 chapter 1 . 1/2/2014
I don't get it. Did he marry her? Is that the complete story or did you just stop? From what I understood they are 'worlds apart' so he must have married someone else. But that's not an ending. The story just stops. It's a good beginning, but it needs more - one more chapter, a full-fledged story or at least a single paragraph, but as it is, it seems like it just stops out of nowhere.
sumthin.clever.5 chapter 1 . 9/5/2012
This was one of the first HP fanfics I ever read, noted that was about a month ago and I've read like 30 since then, but I want you to know this one is still distinctive to me and when I finally decided to create an account just to favorite things, I haven't forgotten to look specifically for this. Thank you.
minnie chapter 1 . 3/7/2011
aww... please continue
WeatherWatch chapter 1 . 7/23/2010
Curious, but intriguing. That last bit sums up the mind and world of a child well.

'Father had spared them hardly a glance...What made me wonder at this...was that when he caught the eye of one man he gave him a nod of acknowledgement.' - that is a very, very interesting thought that I haven't seen before. Kudos. :]
CowahBull chapter 1 . 5/22/2010
Oh My Goodness... That was amazing. I've been looking at this story in my mail inbox for a few months and saying "I'll get to it eventually." Why did I wait? That was wonderful! Great job! I love it! I think this might be the first Lily/Scor fic to go in my favorites in a long while!
ClulessMajor chapter 1 . 3/26/2010
wow, it was short and to the point but it didn't lack on characterization one bit. ) I'm guessing they married? hm, an interesting companion piece would be lilly's take on first noticing scorpious.

either way, this was bloody brilliant D
nairiefairie chapter 1 . 11/23/2008
wow this was intersting, are you going to write a bit more? can i con more chapters with begging? becasue i am not above begging ;) good job anyways!
AlannaTCooper chapter 1 . 11/16/2008
This is a lovely story - write more, please, it seems worthy of more than a one-shot!
gbeanz chapter 1 . 11/16/2008
wow i loved it!

such a shame it didnt develop into a story, im convinced it would be brilliant!
Books to the Ceiling chapter 1 . 11/15/2008
This was good. You should continue it, instead of stopping there. It'd be nice to know how their relationship progressed from him seeing her across the hall.

Books to the Ceiling