Reviews for Anyone You Can Do, I Can Do Better
xxnutcase93xx chapter 1 . 12/6/2018
This was quite enjoyable haha nice job
Guest chapter 1 . 7/7/2013
Yes we know because we're not a dumb shit like you
Patd06 chapter 1 . 1/8/2013
Oh my goodness, this was the most hilarious thing I've ever read! I love it so much...three cheers for booze!
teela.hyde chapter 1 . 11/24/2012
that last part is funny
clobojojo chapter 1 . 2/2/2012
ROTFL! Literally! XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD This Was FUCKING AMAZING! I couldn't stop laughing like Kenpachi fighting Ichi! Oh! P.s your side comments just added to the hilariousness of the story! i mean seriously you be patient with a dick in your ass... PFFFFT! XD XD And the challenges? XD I had to hold my guts in before i read what they were even doing! P.s.s NAMING their junk was priceless! XD XD chibichi, Gato? LOL cat! and Elvis king of cocks? XD XD XD makes me wonder the other names? lol Ishida's could be mr. needle and his white thread.. XD and yes i did say chocolate covered banana and then *blushed* then oddly enough i thought of Chad... KEEP WRITING I CAN'T BE PATIENT... *shifty eyes* Lol seriously Great job can't wait for more!
JoanIncarnate chapter 1 . 9/24/2011
that was actually a rather accurate description of toshirou.

ichi's skills are ... eh, i don't have a word for it. and so just about everyone is in love with ichigo. and DAMN. grimmjow is a sneaky and clever little bastard, aint he?

HAHAHAHAHAHAH! chibichi? that's just gold. oh wow, grimmjow's is named "cat".

... out of those 36 ways, i only know what like 5 of them are.
inominatenoname chapter 1 . 6/6/2011
I can't get over how hilarious this is and the part that makes me crack up every time without fail is:

'Seduction techniques that were as blunt as a rock and as elegant as a rhino in full charge.'

T-T so priceless! Love the ending too!
vivaciousRingo chapter 1 . 5/27/2011
Damn this was golden! I snorted with laughter many times! And the ending,- superb~3
Vardlynn chapter 1 . 1/27/2011
hehehehe I loved it!
Guest chapter 1 . 8/6/2010
you are TWISTED... and i love it
Stone chapter 1 . 7/22/2010
Ok seriously, Brav-freaking-O! I'm thoroughly.. um.. entertained. ;)
alliefan chapter 1 . 6/23/2010
for everything else there's fanfiction.

Cappington chapter 1 . 8/17/2009
Hilarious story lol, if only you wrote the other 35 lemons
keraizaki chapter 1 . 7/29/2009
AWESOME! XD I loved the end! lol
Kayos9 chapter 1 . 6/24/2009
"There’s some things money can’t buy, for everything else there’s fanfiction."

OMG I was pis*in at this fic!
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