Reviews for The First Time: We Met
AnaRoza chapter 46 . 3/26/2019
I could not stop reading this! I loved every minute of this storyyou are an awesome writer
simphonie chapter 46 . 7/10/2017
I know you wrote this years ago...but truly my favourite instant star fan fic to date and i have read alot. however i just finished rewatching the show, and had to go in search of a better ending because the ending always crushes my soul. thank you for writing this. your writing was so free of gramatical errors that i could actually sit there and get engrossed in the character growth that you were creating, so seriously from the bottom of my heart thank you. I do have an account under torchwoodfan13 havent logged in in a while though and i just had to write a review on this story. great job you truly did rewrite the story flawlessly, while still including all of the major plots from the show. i truly enjoyed it. it was always something i thought they should of touched on in the show. a secret relationship. the show jude and tommy ie alexz and tim always had such crazy intense chemistry and i truly believe you caputured that in this story, especially in the scene with kwest where they are recording that song with mariam and he describes the heat and sexual tension in g major when they were around. i thought that was always something the show should picked up on more. and i still cant get over the fact that after 4 years of love and chemistry they just break them up. a friend of mine met alexz in a bar in toronto a year ago and she too was so crushed that thats how they ended it. so who knows maybe if we all tweet enough we will get a reunion! cheers!
Guest chapter 46 . 11/4/2016
I started browsing around for really good long jommy fics since there are very few of those and I'm so glad I opened this one! Just finished and its honestly my favorite was so easy to believe the story and I wish instant star took this route instead. I absolutely loved it and I hope u continue to write again about this amazing couple!
tommyjude21 chapter 46 . 1/15/2014
Absolutely terrific! I commented on another story by another writer that their story was my favorite and while it is definitely at the top of my list, this one has risen to #1 for me. You are so talented! I loved that you stayed true to the show and characters! I hope that you receive this review because I want you to know how much I truly enjoy all of your stories. I know you have mentioned on several occasions that you prefer posting on DLS, but I don't think the site exists anymore, at least I can't find it. That being said if you have any stories you posted there but not here, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE post them here too. I think I have no read and reviewed nearly every IS story you have written and I'm so sad because there's nothing left. I will definitely be returning to your stories, but I guess I have to move on to other talented writers for now. I am now following you, so I hope I get an alert soon that you have posted more stories. I know this is a ridiculously long review, but I just wanted to make sure you knew there are still people reading and enjoying your stories. Thank you for sharing your talent and giving me the various happy endings that Jude and Tommy didn't receive in the show. Okay I'm done! I hope I didn't bore you completely. Thanks again you did and incredible job with your stories! Until later...
kbb1001 chapter 46 . 11/17/2013
This story is awesome!
Guest chapter 42 . 4/11/2013
Cylann you bitch, this chapter made me cry. Fuck you.
Probably doesn't help that I'm listening to Alexz's "Don't You Dare" at the same time...
carly chapter 46 . 3/27/2013
I absolutely adored this story. Amazing! 3
Leenababy chapter 46 . 3/20/2013
So love this story!
Little Viking Big Eyes chapter 1 . 2/18/2013
Luv2Live chapter 46 . 9/17/2012
Freaking loved this story! Its an amazing take that I've never read before and I'm so glad that I did. They are so perfect together. Thanks for sharin!
radiate689 chapter 46 . 3/23/2012
great story
radiate689 chapter 45 . 3/23/2012
radiate689 chapter 44 . 3/23/2012
radiate689 chapter 43 . 3/23/2012
damn it
radiate689 chapter 42 . 3/23/2012
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