Reviews for Silver and Gold
Toodamnmanyfandoms chapter 1 . 12/9/2018
I love this series so much this is my fourth time reading it it’s just so amazing ahhhh
whovianpower chapter 2 . 12/28/2014
I love this so much. You are a fantastic writer, you have to do something with this.
whovianpower chapter 1 . 12/28/2014
I loved this. You've got to keep writing this story. I was heartbroken when Sarah Jane didn't want to travel with the Doctor again. Of course I loved Sarah Jane Adventures, but I want to read some of their adventures!
Vi-Violence chapter 2 . 10/27/2010
I can't believe Sarah never got to meet Jack.
Glockenspielium chapter 1 . 4/26/2010


this is amazing...


(: (: (: (: (:

okay, now that I am past the smileys, I give a proper review..


Positivly the best Sarah Jane or Doctor Who or Harry Fic i have read in forever!

Amazing storyline, I love the way that Sarah and Harry interact, and the way the interact with the Doctor, as a different regeneration but with fond reminders of the past.. and k-9!

It really is excellent the way you managed to link in Torchwood and create an adventre which flowed successfully and true to the show.. and ended with a new adventure for Sarah and Harry!

As soon as I'm done here you'll hear from me after I've read the next installment, you have no idea how much I died inside when this story ended, nor how happy I was to see the next part (:

Until then

Stay Safe

damsel-in-stress chapter 1 . 1/7/2010
Oh. Wow.

I will review. Just give me a moment to get my breath back.


So, when I clicked on this story I was hoping for a pleasant enough fic to satisfy my sudden craving for a little bit of Doctor Who. This was simply unbelievable! I adored the idea of the Doctor turning up in Sarah Jane’s house. And when Harry appeared too I was quite beside myself.

The idea of this was totally brilliant. The characterisation of the Doctor, Sarah and Harry was spot on, as well as managing some beautiful touches of character development along the way. My only complaint is that all the chapters were stuck together so when I finished one I couldn’t help reading the next and I’ve now sat here for bloomin’ ages. Still gotta get up and go to school in the morning... :)

“As Sarah stepped past him into the TARDIS, he leaned down and asked, "Didn't you like Rose?"

Sarah stopped and blinked up at him. "I loved Rose," she finally said. "She's a grand girl." She looked back over her shoulder at Harry. She widened her eyes and rolled them toward the Doctor. "Thick." she said.”

That part was PERFECT! So true, and insightful, and amusing!

I am impossibly pleased you wrote this! You have no idea how much this has made my day and restored my faith in Doctor Who fanfic writers. You managed to include some lovely nods to the classic series and create a new amazing story with the Tenth Doctor.

The continued relationship between Harry and Sarah Jane was something I found particularly beautiful. And the fact the Doctor needed ..healing.. not just after being beaten up, but after the realisation he could of prevented all the Dalek trouble if he’d destroyed them when he had the chance, was so touching and painful. The scene when Harry so forcibly forgave him is going to stick in my memory for a while.

This isn’t a story I will forget in a hurry.

I’ll tell you what – that was a terribly long beginning. But I enjoyed every moment and dreadfully look forward to the possibility of more!

I am still grinning. Thank you!

~Damsel :)
Lynse chapter 1 . 10/31/2009
This was a *very* well-written story, and I thank you for penning it. Can't pick out a favourite part, but one of the best involved the waitress's comments-that had me laughing aloud. The emotion throughout the story was fitting, though. Thanks.
TardisIsTheOnlyWayToTravel chapter 1 . 8/7/2009
The Doctor gave a guttural cry as the beam struck him and rocked him back on his heels. He stood for a second, bent over, breathing hard.

"Fwoah," he finally said. He took a deep breath and blew it out. "What a rush." He straightened, threw his head back, and spread his arms wide. "Hit me again!"

The man's eyes bugged so far out of his head that it looked as if they were on springs...

*doubles over with laughter*
Marcus S. Lazarus chapter 2 . 6/28/2009
Nice bit of work, to say the least.

Not only do you effectively bring in Sarah Jane Smith AND Harry Sullivan- as well as including a few nice references to the classic series-, but you also add in some VERY interesting plot ideas and concepts as the story unfolds.

I wasn’t entirely certain about the idea of the TARDIS only sending the Doctor away like that because it had ‘absorbed’ some of Rose’s personality traits during the ‘Bad Wolf’ incident- surely the TARDIS could have done that kind of thing on its own initiative if it thought the Doctor was in enough danger?-, but the consequences of the transference and the Doctor’s subsequent attempts to reunite with the TARDIS made for an interesting plot, so I’m prepared to ignore that particular issue.

And as for that brief bit with Jack and (I assume) Ianto?

Pure GENIUS, to say the least; an EXCELLENT means of incorporating “Torchwood” without actually contradicting anything that would happen later (Particularly with Sarah’s natural misunderstanding about the reason they’re looking for the Doctor in the first place; nice way to maintain continuity while still managing to include Jack).

The bits with the Doctor absorbing all that energy were a BIT of a question-mark, of course, but you managed to explain the reasons why he was able to do that at this time when he couldn’t have done it normally well enough; I’m still not ENTIRELY certain about it, but after seeing the Doctor re-grow his hand even classic fans have to re-evaluate what he’s capable of.

Besides, your characterisation of Sarah and Harry as absolutely spot-on- to ay nothing of the addition of K-9-, which goes a long way towards making up for any uncertainties I have about additions you’re making to Time Lord physiology,

Keep up the good work!
Isis the Sphinx chapter 2 . 6/12/2009
Beautiful! The Doctor is a massive animal lover. That's an amazing thing about his character. Beautiful story. Keep writing!
Invadergrey chapter 1 . 5/19/2009
now THAT is a good story line.
Laura Harkness chapter 2 . 1/22/2009
wonderful! loved the ending!

i've been rewatching all the FOUR dvds i can get my hands on and i have fallen in love not only with him but with sarah jane as well (can't stand that new show she has, but that's just me). dang, she was a good companion...
deactivated1987 chapter 2 . 1/12/2009
That ending was awesome!

"She's not the first."

Oh, brilliance. Donna and Sarah would get along so well. And aw, kitty.
deactivated1987 chapter 1 . 1/12/2009
"The blue Prius with the 'Well behaved women seldom make history' bumper sticker."

That was so Sarah Jane I almost fell off my seat XD. Absolutely lovely piece of writing, and the fact that you brought Harry back makes you my new favorite person. *hugs Harry*. Only thing that could make it better would be some Duggan action...even if he WAS with Romana :P (random...)

Also, I feel silly asking this, but I didn't quite understand the last bit :( Might be that I'm sleep deprived XD

Told you I'd check it out!

Snow'sLuckyCat chapter 2 . 12/1/2008
My Edited Comment: which includes a fixed sentence that was incomplete the first time I submitted this review. Thank God for you having two chapters. Sorry again about that though...


Holy sublime springtime, Batman! :)

This was simply a WHOLE-LY FABULOUS take on the potential further adventures of Sarah Jane and the 10th Doctor! so - bravo to you for the thrill-inducing suspense, the interesting storyline, and your bloody brilliant characterizations and subtle but also great hurt/comfort tendencies.

(I'd never 'met' this Harry fellow before, but even he seems natural-sounding and pretty darned cool in his own right...)

at the end tho, you said 'the end - - or the beginning?'

Does that mean you have a sequel of sorts planned to this? Pretty please? Pretty pretty pretty pretty please, with mounds of sugar-coated sarah jane clones and fudge-covered david/ten clones on top? ;) :: makes puppy eyes at you for good measure ::

In any case, with forthcoming sequel or not, THIS fic was in every WAY THAT IS EVEN REMOTELY POSSIBLE! And I am a better person for reading it. :) So - thanks for writing AND posting it in the first place! :)

~Sharma, who's

totally fave-ing and

subscribing to both you and this! :)

PS The cut scenes you included as your 'second chapter' were cute too, especially the one with Ten and the cat. 'Cuz Ten and cats My One True Luv! ;) (...especially after seeing him with the black-and-white kitten during Series 3's 'Gridlock.' Now, THAT was frackin' ADORE-A-BLE!) :)
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