Reviews for Unified Theory
PiBrain chapter 16 . 7/6
What was the point of tricking Malfoy if they don't actually take the opportunity to strike in the confusion, instead they just let Malfoy regroup with his pals and become more dangerous. Frick sakes, if you're not gonna end things at least write it so that the prolongment makes sense!
PiBrain chapter 12 . 7/6
Ugh, I want to bite a massive chunk out of the author for writing this chapter, but I know I'll regret it later. I just can't deal with how stupid everything is. Like Harry's meant to be smart but he just rushes in half-cocked and gets outmaneuvered, what happened to the guy that was just thrashing Ron at chess? Ugh!
PiBrain chapter 11 . 7/6
Ok, this started real good, and normally I'd be annoyed about the Malfoy of it all, because he's written too clever, but I'm willing to give the author lee-way because they need a strong antagonist to keep the story going. But my god Harry is too much of a simp. I mean you said he occasionally rolls with the punches, but so far that's all he's done. He hasn't stood up for himself once to anyone and it's just ridiculous. He's smarter than everyone in the room, he should let them know it from time to time instead of letting everyone from friends to mere assistants undermine him.
StoneTheLoner chapter 2 . 2/26
This isn't what I would call a prank? Is the description accurate?
Lilaschupa chapter 4 . 12/27/2019
Bon sang je n'arrĂȘte pas de rigoler j'adore
Fallait vraiment y penser comme histoire
Bronze chapter 16 . 8/1/2019
And another one's down! And another one's gone! And another one bites the dust! Looks like the Malfoy family line's gone now. Unless Draco had a wife and kid that is. I can see him marrying a cousin of his if she'd have him. I mean, they can't all be that stupid, can they? I liked that idea with the AK curse. Harry's cured and the Malfoy line ended. Well, with the trouble over Harry can now rebuild the Gryffindor suit but make it better. Find a way to combine the Arch Reactor with the Spell Generators. Maybe make a better Arch Reactor to power it with. Hopefully, marry Gabrielle and finally have a bunch of little Potters running around. With any luck, the Dursley's have already been dealt with by some branch of law enforcement. So no dealing with those abusers ever again.
Bronze chapter 15 . 8/1/2019
Yeah, just as I expected. Malfoy the coward just like his daddy's former master. Likely almost as insane as well.
Bronze chapter 14 . 8/1/2019
Well, the cast's out of the bag now! Oh, look! It's peed on the rug and torn up the drapes! Yeah, Mini's gonna find out the hard way as will Teddy and Harry's niece-in-law. Not to mention the entire school. And then we'll get a nice Christmas visit from Malfoy and his morons.
Bronze chapter 13 . 8/1/2019
Yeah, they've got to get working on curing Harry and totally destroying Malfoy and ALL the former Death Eater families. In that order. I really can't see Malfoy being smart enough to outfox the former KGB. That like expecting a six week old puppy to take out a full grown Grizzly Bear! Not gonna happen! Draco being the puppy in that example.
Bronze chapter 12 . 8/1/2019
There's nothing wrong with this! It's a damn good story! Sure, it isn't Super Soldier but it's damn good anyways! I enjoyed reading Super Soldier as well as this. As a suggestion, how about taking a small Arch Reactor and making it into a supercompact bomb? Cause the reactor to go ultra critical to explode like a small nuke but without the fallout. Or instead of explode have it implode with say the full power of the Tsar Bomba. That was A, Russian and B, supposed to be a three stage nuclear bomb of around one hundred megatons but they cut it back to only fifty megatons and even then most of the blast went outside the atmosphere. A nice clean blast like that would ensure that nothing was left of Malfoy and any followers with him at the time. Especially with the implosion bomb.
Bronze chapter 11 . 8/1/2019
I have to wonder if ALL of Malfoys' followers have those pins in them. I also have to wonder if his followers know about them. I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't. Malfoy simply wants to turn the clock back to a time that's past but because of his upbringing, he can't accept it. He's also obsessed with regaining the former Malfoy wealth, power and social standing. He looks at his father as an example of what a Pure-Blood is and should aspire to be. Unfortunately, he's never had the ability to live up nor surpass his father. He also looked up to Riddle until it came out he was a Half-Blood. Ahh, just for the hell of it, what happened to Dracos' mother. You mentioned his dear old dad first became the Minister of/for Magic before being arrested and thrown into Azkaban. But nothing about his mother. Just wondering that's all.
Bronze chapter 10 . 8/1/2019
Yeah, Snape's nothing more than a bitter man. A man so bitter that he truly enjoyed the misery of others. Who had a talent but could only do so little with it. A Potions Master he may've been but teaching was beyond him. I wonder if now that both old fools have read Harry's works they'll change their minds about his intelligence. I can see Fumblemort doing so but Snape only sees James Potter when he looks at Harry. Thus I doubt he'll ever change his mind.
Bronze chapter 9 . 8/1/2019
I do believe Malfoy struck again. The little shit needs to die slow and extremely painfully! He just doesn't care about any other humans. So how's this for a reward for his not caring? Use him in some experiment that'll take him the rest of his life to die. By the rest of his life, I mean at most 75 years. Wizards do live a lot longer than muggles. So they'd be cutting his life short and robbing him of all that unused life. But unfortunately, it's much more likely that Harry'd turn him over to the Ministry instead. Though maybe if Harry is the one to capture Malfoy, he'll rob him of every last knut he owns.
Bronze chapter 8 . 8/1/2019
Never said it was Rhodes just that I thought it'd be funny for Tony to find out it was his old friend. If Harry's dying then I'm betting what he gets out of that flask is very different then everyone else. Yeah know, I can't even guess what kind of potion you'd need uranium for. At least nothing healthy that is.
Bronze chapter 7 . 8/1/2019
I love it if James turned out to the former Col. James Rhodes U.S.A.F. retired. Especially if he and Tony knew each other for years. Here's something to consider. In this reality, no nation allows its' citizens to outgun their military. However, in the sci-fi book Free Hold, the citizen can own ANY type and size of weapon they want as long as they can pay for it. They're even allowed to buy true military weapons from the military when the military updates its' weapons. By contrast, in the book, Earth has something like between five and twenty police type people for every citizen. Not to mention extremely corrupt government. It's quite a good book.
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