Reviews for The Perks of Being a Fangirl
mrspencil chapter 1 . 3/4/2011
Well, stumbling across this has renewed my faith in the entertainment value of the self-insert fic. Some very vivid writing and the most realistic fangirl fate I have come across. Well done:)

Mrs P:)
sweetlilsunshine chapter 1 . 4/18/2010
The Fangirl dies? I'm betting you're normally a cheerful person...
kz and the snazzy plotbunnies chapter 1 . 12/1/2009
ahahaha, this really did make me giggle ) nice job on a self-insert parody! haha, this is most likely what would really happen in this kind of situation, and it was a really cute and amusing story to read )

TheNineMuses chapter 1 . 10/6/2009
Just happened to stumble across this story and I must say it was pretty funny.

Excellent work!
ReviewsGalore chapter 1 . 4/21/2009
Story: 7.5/10. Some amusing scenes that flow well, but I guess that I am sort of not understanding the intent behind this fic. It is labeled parody/humor, but although the tone is light, humor doesn't strike me as the primary intent except maybe near the end. A lot of the fic strikes me as an honest attempt at a self-insert randomly being inserted into the canon, albeit a somewhat better executed one than most. I am also confused about whether this fic is complete - it isn't marked as complete, but that ending seemed a little final.

Characters: 8/10. I like how your OC reacts to things in a way that I would expect someone to react in this sort of situation instead of in the typical self-insert way. I do think that it would be possible to get at her important thoughts a little more, but you do a decent job with her, overall.

Creativity: 7/10. There are a lot of self insert fics like this and a lot of parodies of them, but I do see some interesting little details here and there.

Writing: 8.25/10. Well written with few mistakes and a generally readable style, though the dialogue spelling is sometimes exaggerated to the point of being almost unreadable.

Believability/Humor: 7.25/10. I always find these suddenly waking up in the place fics unbelievable, but I don't really think that you mean it to be believable, so that's okay. I do find the main character's reactions pretty believable. As for the humor, there were a few parts that made me laugh, though the pop culture references don't quite do it for me.

Overall: 7.5/10. You write well and your character isn't annoying, but I'm not quite sure what you are trying to say with this fic.
s. du jour chapter 1 . 3/4/2009
I agree. You should do several more dream sequences. This was pretty funny, and I love your writing style.
broadwaybaby529 chapter 1 . 1/21/2009
Sometimes dear, I must really ask what is wrong with you. Then I realize that I'm friends with you and I shouldn't bother. This did severely make me giggle though. Were you smoking pot before bed again?
damsel-in-stress chapter 1 . 12/15/2008
Nice. ;)

The title made me smile and the story was depressingly believable. A clever and different spin on the sucked into PotC thing.

I can't say I enjoyed it (poor deceased fangirl P) but it was entertaining.

Interesting. D

Virtuella chapter 1 . 12/6/2008
That was fun! Apart from the end, of course, poor you. I can very much empathize with the no glasses/lenses dilemma!
FreedomOftheSeas chapter 1 . 10/31/2008
Haha! Wow, this was a fantastic and humorous little piece. So many little things happening at once - I probably would have started crying if it were my dream ;P

I definitely agree with Nytd about posting another chapter! You should do several little dream sequences. Now, that would be hilarity.

I always freak out when I think I don't do my homework in my dreams. I tend to scream out OH MY GOD I'M A FAILURE!

More, more, more!

Marcella :)
Nytd chapter 1 . 10/30/2008
Oh, Tina. You know how much I love your sense of humor. ;)

What it says about me that I GET your sense of humor, I'm not sure. ;)

Blast! Just when I was beginning to think that I was going to get to actually enjoy a "sucked into potc" story, you ruined it by writing only one chapter.

Creepy and old? Boy the fangirls are going to be out to get you.

And you are SO the type of person that would use "perplexing" inside your own head! :)

Love the moment of panic about the Spanish homework. That would have been me too, at least for a little while.

Perhaps it is just a fleshwound, and you'll share some more of your humor with us down the road!
