Reviews for Sirius
RyoKei chapter 1 . 12/11/2013
"Take it with you, and remember that I'm here at those moments when I can't be by your side." I love this line, it's so sweet. And I love this pair too.
Summer Memory chapter 1 . 1/16/2013
i love this story, a lot, since it also depicts my long-distance relationship. atobe is a geek sometimes, but its what makes him special, if not stupidly, overly romantic..but if i were to be honest, i wouldnt mind having a bf like him :D
there are parts that I dont fully understand, but I'd like to think i still get the big idea...i hope? haha
the bitterness of meeting only to part again...aah, you capture it very well... :')
thank you for writing this. please keep up the good work :)
Trumpet-Geek chapter 1 . 1/28/2011
I absolutely ADORE this fic. Gorgeous.
memedis chapter 1 . 2/14/2010
Very nice ) although I would prefer them kiss at the end )
sleepy cities chapter 1 . 11/17/2009
That has to be the sweetest believable AtoRyo I've read.

The dialogue was just beautiful and I believed this less pompous Atobe because the weight of his gestures spoke enough.
Liila6241 chapter 1 . 2/6/2009
aww. that was cute.
Rikiia chapter 1 . 11/1/2008
I love love love this oneshot.

It's not as funny or 'full' as "Rules" but I still really enjoyed this one. Actually, I can honestly say it's one of my favourite one-shots.

I think, some of the main attractions - or at least major elements - of the AtoRyo pairing is how they're so similar, but their personalities conflict anyway, causing them to argue with each other a lot. In this story however, none of their verbal banter is evident(or I just didn't notice it), but it's still so THEM. How Atobe rambles about random things, like the stars, and Greece. How Ryoma talks so very little compared to Atobe, but his personality still shines through his few words.

To write a story without them arguing, and still making it work, is just...well, amazing to me. Personally, I didn't think it could work like this before, but you showed me wrong. And I'm glad.

It's just a really feel-good story, and there are so many things I love about it that I couldn't possibly list them all. And, oh, I love how Atobe is just such a romantic at the end, and yet still very in character (yes, I'm going to talk about this forever).

Bah. This review is probably all over the place, but I really do like it a lot. I didn't even mention everything...

(Oh, I love your writing style as well. Love all the little details. BEAUTIFUL).

I guess I'll end it here before I make more of a fool of myself *laugh*.