Reviews for Ogden's Old Icewhiskey
NimbusCentaur chapter 1 . 12/19/2012
I love it! The way they interact, their personalities, everything is PERFECT. You almost had me in tears at the end! I really want to see the fanart too :D
BadBoysAreBest chapter 1 . 6/18/2012
Woo hook! That was super hot!
kateswalshs chapter 1 . 10/21/2011
I love this fic so so much.
Gormal910 chapter 1 . 8/2/2011
ohmygawd! that was FREAKING amazing!

loved it! please continue to write!
bundleb chapter 1 . 1/3/2011
RenegadexBlack chapter 1 . 12/3/2010
Simply Amazing. This is the most well-written Lucius/Narcissa fic I have ever read. I've re-read it so many times I have it practically memorized! I just never bothered to comment on it before.
TuesdayNovember chapter 1 . 8/23/2010
That was wonderful. You got Lucius and Narcissa perfectly, I think. All of that was amazing, but I particularly enjoyed your rules from the Pureblood's Guide to Etiquette and Manners. Those were absolute perfection.

Great job! )
MandyQ chapter 1 . 3/18/2010
Like this story bunches. I write Malfoys almost exclusively and I must say that I am loving your very passionate, very HOT Lucius and Narcissa. yummy.

And the sweet and touching ending was very nice; the Malfoys have great sex but that's not all that's between them. Well done.

Reika76 chapter 1 . 3/16/2010
This story was so nice, Lucius looks so human in Narcissa thoughts
Shadow chapter 1 . 12/18/2009
Aw! So cute! And sad...
Jess chapter 1 . 9/2/2009
I think that you captured their personalities perfectly... I am going to say that this is probably one of the best one-shots that I have read! I love the way you combine emotion and humor. Well done!
VickyVicarious chapter 1 . 8/30/2009
This is excellent. The characterization is perfect, and I truly love hearing all of this from your Narcissa's POV. It's so heartbreaking, and you really get a sense of how they are trapped in their own rich, emotionless prisons. Her longing for Lucius is so well-written, too, a wonderful way of showing their strange sort of love.

And for a person who only reads romantic HP fic involving Draco, I really like the smutty bit too.

And baby Draco was adorable to add, though it made the whole thing sadder for me.

And 'Narcius' made me laugh. Agh, it was just good.
B.V.A chapter 1 . 8/22/2009
I LOVED THIS STORY! You have to write something like this again! You're such a talented author!
Aerileigh chapter 1 . 8/20/2009
Oh, I loved this! I can't believe I'd never read it before. I simply adored Narcissa's character, from Madame Pemberly's rules to her self-confidence-yet easy defeat-in bed. She is certainly a difficult yet fun character to balance, and you did it nicely. She is secure yet insecure about so much, and this shot is a lovely little vignette into that world.

Lucius is quite perfect, really. You did a great job saying a lot about him through imagery and action, *fans self*

A small (very small) complaint is that if Draco is a year old, then wouldn't the war be in full swing, not "whispers of a new dark power?"

I think my favorite part was the battle over the wands-but my favorite line was easily, "He tasted like cinnamon snowflakes. [...] Burning hot cinnamon that scalded ever surface of her mouth, before it was cooled and frozen by the equally biting snow." Very creative, descriptive sensory detail. I admire that. _
imadoodlenoodle chapter 1 . 8/14/2009
Bollocks Roma!

I loved the power play, it was perfect, well shown and balanced.

Narius - Very funny.

As was this line;

'Payback was a bitch. And that bitch was currently Narcissa Malfoy née Black.'

The segment at the end. Wonderful. It hit off perfectly against the, ahem, previous scenes.

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