Reviews for To Protect
Letostag chapter 5 . 3/4/2019
Please come back
Guest chapter 1 . 9/9/2018
I totally ship them!
Rayah19 chapter 1 . 4/9/2018
Too Awesome. Kakashi rulez!
Great writing btw! Mata ne!
maidengarnet chapter 5 . 1/20/2018
Yesss this chapter was not here the last time I read this story and its existence PLEASES ME. I so want more. And also I'm getting a Sakura/Kakashi vibe and I hope that's true because I would be SO OKAY with that. So. If that was a thing that might happen? That would be good!

... Also I hope Sakura doesn't actually go on a lipstick mission. It doesn't seem something suited for her personality, I don't think she'd be cool with having sex for a mission. Some people don't attach a lot of emotion to the act of sex. Sakura seems like someone who would, making doing a mission like that ugly for her. I approve of Kakashi's defense of what innocence Sakura as a ninja has left. ... Their interactions were so cute in this chapter. Snuggly Sakura and an allowing sensei!
Anonimo chapter 2 . 12/1/2017
Anonimo chapter 1 . 12/1/2017
Guest chapter 5 . 10/22/2017
Marie chapter 5 . 4/11/2017
Please make the next one as soon as possible I'm not very patient when I'm waiting on great stories like this one
TXJ chapter 5 . 2/8/2017
Ah, poor Sakura, so naive to the world around her. I'm wondering if Kakashi ever addressed the other side of the coin with Naruto?
NatNicole chapter 5 . 1/2/2017
Ch1 is da BEST! *cackles, cheering on Kakashi*
Ch2-4 are fantastically written (Hinata's is my Fave, after Ch1)!
Ch5 is O.K., & a bit amusing.
Sikinsa chapter 5 . 12/31/2016
Soooo...did Sakura did something to Kakashi? What did they do?
Coz Sakura's going like "I can't face Kakashi-sensei".
Anyway, I really like stories that have Kakashi being like 'a guardian angel' so I will definitely be with you till the end.
Is this platonic kakasaku or romantic kakasaku? I really love both so I don't really care if you prefer one over the other.
Also, the way you write? It fits the story. Like how you make Tenten, Ino and Hinata find out about those 'lipstick missions'. It keeps me on edge, wondering when exactly will they find out and you did not disappoint. Especially Hinata's part.
Soooo... Please update and please don't abandon.
Skyrere chapter 5 . 12/30/2016
I love this. XD
I personally would have thought that Tsunade would have told her by now what those kinds of missions were as not all of them end well, and she might have had to do a healing session with some who had bad experiences in them.
THAT would be a kick in the pants to Kakashi if he was protecting her from those missions for so long only to find out that she already knew about them and just wasn't taking them. XD
arlene56 chapter 4 . 11/9/2016
I liked this a lot! All four chapters were very interesting. The first was probably my favorite because I love protective Kakashi, but each one told a whole story and featured complex
characters. Thanks for sharing!
Kurai Ummei chapter 4 . 7/12/2016
I liked the Tenten chapter, you go girl!
Guest chapter 1 . 4/28/2016
Protective Kakashi is slightly, okay very adorable. But I wonder if he succeeded in preventing Sakura from going on those missions... *sigh* I wish I knew.
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