Reviews for Highway Robbery
cklammer chapter 10 . 4/12/2010
(I am reviewing chapters 1 - 10)

A very nice story - very well written.

It fits right in with the canon, too.

Please, please update.
Okami.Lupus chapter 10 . 2/1/2010
Great story!

(And only 32 reviews... weird)

Any way: I realy like it. Please update as soon as you can!

Virtuella chapter 10 . 1/28/2010
Oh, poor Sir Chadwick! And Marie Suzette feeling "witchy," that was cute. Very enjoyable chapter all round!
Nimbus Llewelyn chapter 10 . 1/26/2010
someone who likes a woman built along valkyrie lines then (the perp). Interesting.
Virtuella chapter 9 . 9/20/2009
“He knows the truth of himself,” Marie-Suzette answered. “As you do, my friend, meaning the Soothsayer has no weapon against either of you.”

That's very wise, and very true. I liked the interaction between Rincewind and Marie-Suzette very much. Oh, and what/is/ Rincewind's first name - good question!

Lots of delightful lines, for example “It’s just the paradigm shift is making me dizzy.” And I loved the "elegantly habited equestriennes"

Can you believe I had forgotten about this story! Any chance of it getting updated?
Nimbus Llewellyn chapter 9 . 6/6/2009
What next I wonder...
Adarah chapter 1 . 4/20/2009
Very good first chapter! Can't wait to read more! :-D
Osprey Eamon chapter 9 . 4/4/2009
The world thanks you for your update.

Should I be embassed that I still have no idea how the two different sides of the story fit together?
Gogol chapter 8 . 2/2/2009
B-b-b-but the truth is PRETTY and LOVABLE and FLUFFY and William de Worde's SOUL MATE and

ahh, who am I kidding, it's an evil bitch and quite appropriately portrayed by someone who I have no doubt is a very truthful young lady, except where impractical. Aha. Aha. Great chapter. I have every sympathy for A.E. Pessimal, and am full of love for Vimes-Suzette confrontations. Carrot just makes it better. Like horseradish!

Only not. Looking forward to the next chapter, I await development of plot, subversion, and fascinating characters with glee, &c. :D
Osprey Eamon chapter 8 . 1/31/2009
Like the idea of Marie-Suzette's breast plate and the Soothsayer sounds like a great villain.
Virtuella chapter 8 . 1/27/2009
“The wizard found Truth,” Marie-Suzette said grimly. “And having looked upon her unveiled face he went mad.”

Vimes nodded slowly. He could believe that.
Roruna chapter 7 . 1/14/2009
I really can't get over Jocasta having a crush on Vimes, which is not to say I'm surprised, I just can't get over it. And I absolutely love how Sybil's totally not upset about it at all but very definitely determined to find someone for her. Could this be the only hint we have of Sybil's jealousy? Very probably.
Charli800 chapter 7 . 1/12/2009
Somehow Marie-Suzette remains a charming and appealing girl, even after everything she's done. I think it must be something to do with krisma.
Virtuella chapter 7 . 1/12/2009
“I’m not good at subtle, Sybil.” - Oh, well, at least the man knows himself.

Marie-Suzette and the heroes in the prison cell was a great scene!

“Do we go in Sarge?” Comma after "in"

“Poor, Hibiscus,” - No comma after "poor"
Osprey Eamon chapter 7 . 1/11/2009
While reading this chapter I found myself vaguely thinking it was a shame that Sibyl probably wouldn't think to try and set Jocasta up with Marie-Suzette. Go figure.

Despite the eleven cats, dragon, silk bedding and wouldn’t-be-surprised-if-she-nicked-it-from-the-elves lute, Marie-Suzette seems to be surprisingly un-sueish. Rather likable even.

Maybe it’s because of the way she deals with Rincewind and Sacharissa Crisplock or maybe its how she keeps ending up in the cells and staying there and am I right in thinking she was the one to begin the riot? She seems kind of conscious of it, though not at all embarrassed.

Right. Now to beg for updates.

(clears throat). Well... I did say I would.
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