Reviews for So Much For Sanity
SeasonVelvet chapter 4 . 9/6/2006
That was a peice of work. I applaud you. Seriously, that was just plain cool.

The humor found in truth is always the most entertaining.

Dead Can Dance. Nice. Ever heard of Enya?

I havn't seen your name around before. But maybe that's just because this is a very old post. I can only assume that the girl in the storie is you. Usually people do that. And they're always the new student. And meet Clark. And become his friend. And have powers. And are sarcastic and speak their mind.

Or maybe, that's just because I pictured something like that for my own story. I think I'll hold off production though.
Rebel Goddess chapter 4 . 5/20/2003
Chumbawumba are classic! When my friend sang me the lyrics before I heard the song, I thought she'd heard them wrong the way I always heard Jimi Hendrix singing 'Excuse me while I kiss this guy' instead of 'Excuse me while I touch the sky'. More please. Terrific chapter. Joan's great.
Rebel Goddess chapter 3 . 5/20/2003
Loving this so far. Had to stop to feedback because I needed a break from it to catch my breath after all that laughing. More please. I love the idea of Clark with blue hair!
Storm13 chapter 1 . 8/19/2002
:pencil drops from hand and clatters too floo: CLARKS 14! NO HE'S NOT NOW WAY UH UHN I DON'T BELEIVE YOU HE'S GOTTA BE AT LEAST1 17 cos they had a homecoming prom and NO WAY IS HE 15!
Veronica Catherine Richards chapter 4 . 8/16/2002
Actually, it's Nova Adams here. I'm using VCR's sn because she is nice.

Look, I feel really bad about not writing a part four. Or contacting you until now. But I got stuck. I mean, badly stuck. Maybe you could help me out.

E-mail me, PLEASE.
Storm13 chapter 4 . 8/2/2002
Lol aqua this is great lol write more write more


"I GET KNICJKED DOWN BUT I GET UP AGAIN" lol I lvoe that song that is like the typica english aprty song
Kista chapter 4 . 4/4/2002
omg this is funny.

ps I love Francesca Lia Block!
Nova Adams chapter 4 . 2/19/2002
WOOHOO! I got a mention, I got a mention. :::dances around:::

Okay, down to business. Which X-person do you want to be?
Random Antagonist chapter 1 . 2/8/2002
WHEN are you going to put up another chapter?
Nova Adams chapter 3 . 1/21/2002
I'll make you a deal, dear. When you post another chapter of yours, I'll post another chapter of mine. Till then, I'm still trying to work on the the party story.
A Darker Shade of Yellow chapter 3 . 12/14/2001
ROFL! omg (now i sound like a ditz) this is so funny, once more proving the point that how many times one tells themself that the wont make fun of preps, you always end up doing it... o gosh, i love Joan, shes so funny, this is one wicked fic!
Eilla chapter 2 . 11/20/2001
hahahahahahaha... oh my god... there is just too much funny in this story to compliment in this little review box! Write more!
Nova Adams chapter 2 . 11/20/2001
This fic snarkles. By that, I mean it's incredibly witty and...well...I like it. You sound like my kind of person. E-mail me? Please? Read my Smallville Story? Pretty please?