Reviews for Harry Potter and the Unspeakable Time
Eldersprig chapter 4 . 7/23
at least you misspelled Phoebe consistently
RexCaldoran chapter 18 . 3/23
it's really too bad u never finished that one. and so close to the end... while I doubt that it will happen, I really hope u find the inspiration and finish it someday.
Guest chapter 1 . 1/3
Dear Lord!
The sheer amount of info dump exposition for the sake of forced drama!

PLEASE, please do everyone a favor and delete this pile of hot garbage off of your account. As it is, you'd have to completely rewrite it without any of the exposition and remove all the forced drama, and without an actual story behind it you wouldn't even be left with anything worth the description of a story once the bad writing portions were gone.

And don't worry, I won't be reading the rest of it, I couldn't get through even the first quarter of this chapter, much less the rest. But, even if, by some fluke, you've managed to get better at writing, it still remains fact that this drivel is a steaming pile of excrement that you're shoveling at unawares readers with a sadistic glee to your madness. GET. RID. OF. THIS. UTTER. SH IT!
mumphie chapter 18 . 9/28/2019
Godric said that Harry has magical and memory blocks. You never mentioned the magical ones and what getting rid of them did to Harry.
Also - When the group absconded with McGonagall for four days - what did they find?

word to the wise - whether - not wether
And you need to watch - in the chapter where Ginny had her hair cutoff and said it would grow - you had it red. And Harry saw his reflection during an intense moment, and they were green. Both times they should have been in disguise.

Okay - all that said...
You have a very imaginative, exciting, intriguing and fun story. It seems that you are so close to finishing it. Did your muse buy a ticket to a far away place? Did real life bombard you with reality? Whatever it is/was, I do hope you can come back soon. I'd love to know what happens next, and how it ends. If you have abandoned it - could you leave a chapter of summary of what you wanted?
mumphie chapter 14 . 9/28/2019
I truly hope that Remus can be thoroughly brought back into the fold, after all - who would think that Dumbles was a DL? I do wish that you could have Sirius...perhaps a ritual at the Veil?
mumphie chapter 13 . 9/28/2019
Twice now Harry said that he was born under the name Harry James Potter. But another time he said it was Harold. I am wondering which it is?
mumphie chapter 12 . 9/28/2019
Okay, so where were they initially when they left after Voldie was 'killed'? How did Voldie know that his opponent was Harry - and how did he know of their bond? Voldie wasn't from the future.
Are James and Lilly going to the future also? Is that why they cannot grab baby Harry? Why didn't the portkey work? Will there never be a 6th year and older (growing up) Harry - but only the trained DOM Harry in their 'present?
Very confusing.
mumphie chapter 5 . 9/27/2019
I am enjoying your story - but please, spell the Founder correctly - Gryffindor
mumphie chapter 3 . 9/27/2019
Okay - my brain is going in circles. I will wait to ask questions...
mumphie chapter 1 . 9/27/2019
Wow - quite an auspicious beginning!
Mark Sinfield chapter 18 . 9/16/2019
nice story
csheila chapter 1 . 2/20/2019
Excellent setup. Looking forward to the rest
stacygrrl2002 chapter 17 . 12/29/2018
stacygrrl2002 chapter 6 . 12/28/2018
Reckon they have all four heirs figured by now. Shame nemus didn't bounce dumbasadoor on his butt for the attempt.
jackmylad 2 chapter 18 . 10/13/2018
just so you know your beta is wrong as this is a fanfic it does not have to follow any law expect one you have to say you don't own harry potter so you can make your own laws up in the story
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