Reviews for Headspace
goan chapter 4 . 5/13/2019
i know this is old but... i really hope you're not this homophobic anymore. it sucks because I really like your plots and characterization but you using slurs and casual homophobia left and right-as yourself and as the characters-is really offensive. so yeah, i hope you're not a homophobe anymore, i mean it has been ten years haha so hopefully you've learned better than to say f*g and qu**r... and call drag queens gross (tho that might have been in another one of your fics)... especially if you're cishet lmfao
Lotus-chan chapter 4 . 11/25/2014
Yet again I am provided with awesome. This sequel was even better than the first. I kind of love Kuwabara in this and I can't wait to read more for your fics.
unfoldingbliss chapter 4 . 1/12/2014
Ahhhh, this was absolutely adorable. I spent the whole of three hours reading all your Yusuke/Kuwabara stuff, and damn! You have a great hold on the characters. And it was so EASY to imagine this happening in the show - them realizing how strong their bond is and accepting their romantic/sexual attraction for one another. I mean, it is canon they practically break when the other is severely injured or dying - hell, Kuwabara's line "if you're not here, who am I?" was as much of a love confession one can get in shounen. Ugh, these two...

Anyway, I just wanted to say thanks for writing an amazing piece of fic revolving around my two favorite asskickers. The style, the dialogue, the characters themselves - you're a fantastic writer, truly!
seireidoragon chapter 4 . 10/3/2012
Great! I love this story!
gure'slilinu chapter 4 . 12/6/2009
hahaahhahahahaha yes we learn from our dreams don't we kuwabaka XD
EvilValenStrife chapter 4 . 6/17/2009
This is one of the most awesome stories I've read in a long time! I want a sequel to the sequel!
loretta537 chapter 4 . 1/15/2009
this was a good story
Zelia Theb chapter 4 . 11/1/2008
Great ending! I enjoyed the way the boys interpreted their shared dream and the way that connected to the ending. And telling Botan? What a grand gesture! Good fic - I'm waiting for whatever you come up with next!
Tres paresseux chapter 4 . 10/24/2008
Smiling even when I'm getting my ass kicked happy.
Zelia Theb chapter 3 . 10/18/2008
Great chapter! I like how you incorporated Kuwabara's spirit energy into the sight. I imagined it almost like one of those fancy glitter mouse pointers.

And ew to the brother-sister thing. Way to address it with Kuwabara though. I'm wondering what will happen when Yusuke is knocked out (in his head, that is), and what comes afterwards.
Zelia Theb chapter 2 . 10/14/2008
Love it! I'm reading a book right now (The Redemption of Althalus) that touches on a similar idea...but this fic takes it to the right level. The nature of the boys makes it easier to describe the process, since they are just as curious as us readers!

I laughed at the initial presentation of Kuwabara's thoughts - very funny! The ear piercing bit before that was great too!

Looking forward to more! (I apologize for my abuse of the exclamation point)
Zelia Theb chapter 1 . 10/12/2008
Great set-up on this one as well! I'm surprised that Botan wasn't a little more suspicious, but I suppose she is one that is so hopeful for Yusuke and Keiko's future that she might just see what she wants to see in those situations.

I think that tooth idea is grand. Seriously! Looking forward to how this plays out.
Smeetling chapter 1 . 10/12/2008
Ahh! I've been waiting for ages for more fic from you. :D I can't wait to read the rest of this because it's awesome already! Yuusuke with his Kuwabara-buzz, Kuwabara with his fondness for kissing Yuusuke with enthusiasm. Oh yeah, and Botan with her 'something stupid' that's bound to be awesome, too.