Reviews for Take One for the Team
ChristyWIX chapter 18 . 6/26
Fantastic ending. I like that they are married. That he’s in his residency and must have just two years left now. Didn’t say what degree Bella graduated with but, she must be working now. I loved that it was Alice and Jasper that had the baby and not Bella and Edward. That was a refreshing change. It was even better that the fathers weren’t in the chapter, yay! Fun story, thank you for sharing your imagination with us here. ~ChristyWIX
ChristyWIX chapter 17 . 6/25
I’m glad the fathers finally realized how wrong they’d been. Very surprised that Charlie even apologized for any of it. He was correct though, it was one hundred percent his fault. All of it. He way overreacted and caused this nightmare to happen. He cost Edward what could’ve been a full ride. Now they received fianancial aid, but the still will cost them in loans later. Whereas a full ride wouldn’t have. They’d have only had what little amount Bella’s scholarships didn’t pay for. It’s a giant mess. At least they’ll help them if they need it. No thanks to Charlie. Suck ass fathers. The both of them.
ChristyWIX chapter 16 . 6/25
I’m kind of glad this is two chapter from done. If it wasn’t, I would worry that there were multiple chapters ahead of them hating each other for taking their dreams away from one another. It could still happen, in reality it most likely would, I just hope it doesn’t. Their fathers are the ones to blame. Shame on them for choosing their friendship over their children. I just don’t get that at all. Especially when Carlisle wants Edward to follow in his footsteps. He knows how much school costs and what those scholarships would’ve done for him. Instead he pretty much kicked his kid to the curb and said grow up and deal with it. They only had sex, they didn’t murder someone.
ChristyWIX chapter 15 . 6/25
Charlie is a real piece of work. He was sitting in his filthy house, drinking who know what number beer that evening, and then he thinks he should talk to Bella? Not to apologize, noooo. He wants her back home to cook, cleans and bea his slave. What an enormous Jack ass. And Renèe, what the hell. She randomly shows up eleven years later smile at him and he’s okay with that? Bella needs to run far and fast from both of these people. I cannot believe he’s running the damn police station with the few brain cells. T,hen Edward comes home, to his own house, no thanks to Charlie, and has the audacity to throw anger at Edward. Pfft. Bella’s parents need to leave. Now. I hope she gets a full ride, because these parents can absolutely not be relied upon. They suck.
ChristyWIX chapter 14 . 6/25
I really, really do not like your Carlisle at all. He’s kowtowing to Charlie and not giving to craps about his son. Wonder what he’ll think when he finds out his son quit the football team to work. Tossing his scholarship away because their father's are complete hypocrites. Charlie and Carlisle are horrible parents. Really awful. Bella won’t forgive herself for this. Even though they both were in it together. Edward will resent her for it someday too. This has gotten ridiculously out of control and Esme needs to speak to both Carlisle and Charlie.
ChristyWIX chapter 13 . 6/25
I’m loving your Esme. Plus, we learned the same thing happened to her and Carlisle. I don’t like what Carlisle did. I did not expect him to not care about them having sex but, to side with Charlie in some weird friendly bond. Who the eff would choose their friend over their own son with only months left of school before he’s moved away for college? If he was angered with Edward because of the sex, just like Charlie, that would make more sense. No, he’s sticking with his friend over his son. WTH? One would think that Esme would’ve reminded him of their own situation and the fact that they are leaving for college soon. I don’t get it.
ChristyWIX chapter 12 . 6/25
That was very kind of the Cullens to take Bella in. Hopefully, they’ll still allow her to stay when they find out what happened. Poor Bella. I still cannot believe Charlie lost his shit that badly. Complete overreaction for two eighteen year olds that have known each other as long as they have. Yeesh.
ChristyWIX chapter 11 . 6/25
I knew they needed to be more careful. Charlie went apoplectic on them. He kicked Bella out! That I did not see coming. I can understand him being furious, as most fathers would in that situation but, to kick her out? Wow. Hopefully, he comes to his senses. There’s no way Charlie wasn’t having sex himself when in high school. Please. He cannot be a hypocrite. He can, however, be pissed that she is missing school to stay home to have sex. That is definitely not okay. School is very important and it shouldn’t be missed.
ChristyWIX chapter 10 . 6/25
Alice is definitely nuts in this chapter. Jasper too for that matter. She was kind of not really supportive when Bella shared her news with her. She scoffed at the ring and then did that weird promise thing with Jasper before Blla went back to Edward. Very weird. Then they are engaged.
ChristyWIX chapter 9 . 6/25
I’m happy she brought that up. And, even happier he got her the promise ring. We have a friend couple of ours, we’ve been friends since high school. They’ve been together since high school. They broke up for about a year just after high school but, got back together again and got married. So, nearly thirty five years now for them.
ChristyWIX chapter 8 . 6/25
LOL. These two are going to get caught if they aren’t careful. Edward will have to kiss his scholarships goodbye. Bella won’t see Edward anymore because Charlie will have killed him.
ChristyWIX chapter 7 . 6/25
That was kind of nasty. I think it would’ve been hotter if it were not Jessica and Jake. Ewww.
ChristyWIX chapter 6 . 6/25
Seems Bella should’ve hopped down right when Edward finished her off . . . so she could reciprocate. ;)
ChristyWIX chapter 5 . 6/25
They’ve got to be careful with Bella’s house. Charlie could show up wondering why Edward’s car is in the driveway when school has started. Eek!
ChristyWIX chapter 4 . 6/25
I’m so glad you had Alice and Rose take her to Planned Parenthood. I was lucky enough to have my boyfriend think of it and take me there. Who knows if I ever would have. It was right in our tiny town. I worry about all those teens that have lost PP in their towns. Or, anywhere nearby for that matter. It is a travesty that they won’t have access to it. If not for them, who knows what could have happened in high school. I really liked how Edward took her to his full length mirrors and showed her beautiful he thought she was. They were kind of hot together.
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