Reviews for My Lab Partner
samanddianefan10 chapter 1 . 8/9/2010
very good, this was one of my favorite dr cox scenes for some reason and I loved JDs response. this was brilliant
FlapperFinzNoNames10201303 chapter 1 . 4/24/2010
Yes, I love this. I so wasn't expecting that last line. Lovely _ ~Nayah
Replica Velocity a.k.a. X5 714 chapter 1 . 12/10/2009
Very cool- I just love how much they get each other- I mean anyone else would just think that Cox was a heartless bastard but they just fall into synch even if it's destroying a lab.
cephalopod chapter 1 . 9/21/2009
poor Franklin ;)
angeljaehyo chapter 1 . 8/22/2009
I really like this one.

The more time passes the more JD resembles Perry.

Not in his behaviour, but in his causes to do something, in his moral priciples and so on.

I... don't really know how to describe what I want to say in English and I'm too lazy now to think too much, so the only thing what I say is that I admire how great you can go into the relationship of Dr. Cox and JD.

(Oh, how I would like to write you reviews which fill all of the 10 0 characters but this damn lazines... :D)
zeropointchoirgirl chapter 1 . 1/23/2009
This one-shot was nothing but pure GOLD. I mean, I was like laughing and enjoying it and all on the edge and I got near the end, I was like, about to fall off my seat, and all of a sudden the last line appeared. I started snorting and, God save me, I did, in fact, fall out of my chair but I assure you, my injuries are only minor so I won't be suing you. XD Oh God, I love you so much! XD You have made this last week or so, so...HEAVENLY!

You're a one in a million find in the writing community, I tell ya. :'D
HeadingNorth chapter 1 . 11/30/2008
YinYangWhiteTiger chapter 1 . 11/30/2008
I understand.
SpencerChase chapter 1 . 11/10/2008
Love it! I was really enjoying it throughout; I love when JD shows a little backbone, and I love when Cox shows a little bit of (God save him) hurt (aww!) but yes, the last line absolutely sells the fic. All kinds of awesome. ;) -Spencer
Puppyscruffy1 chapter 1 . 11/1/2008

I loved this SO MUCH. It was amazing to begin with, of course, but lemme tell you what, the last line made my day I SWEAR. I love it. LOVE LOVE LOVE SO MUCH YOU DONT EVEN KNOW!

For real, if you wrote J.D. getting fed up and destroying the lab I'd die. DIE. GOD.

I swear, the last line caught me deliciously offguard. Excellent. Superior even. I'm so glad you posted this, for real.
OurThirteenSenses chapter 1 . 11/1/2008
I don't review. I'm not really a reviewer. I've probably given about (5?) reviews in total when i've been signed in. I wasn't even going to review - until i got to the last sentence.

But this story was one of those where i feel compelled to tell the author just how well they wrote. It was really good - but for me, the last sentence just nade the whole piece perfect, everything seemed totally in character and it was a scene i'd really, really like to see actually filmed. It was that good.

It doesn't matter how random it was or even how much effort you put into writing it, you struck gold and its shining like a beacon.

Thank you :)
T-c3 chapter 1 . 10/11/2008
Wow, I wasn't expecting that ending. I think it was pretty effective that you didn't give the reasons for their anger. It doesn't really matter anyway. Awesome oneshot, man.
writerchic16 chapter 1 . 10/8/2008
One of the first Scrubs fanfics I've read, and I really liked it. Very in character from what I've seen of the show, and the whole thing made me smile. Very cute one-shot. Although I can't help but wonder what in the world made JD angry, lol.
JessObsess chapter 1 . 10/8/2008
I loved it! I'm really glad you posted, this was great.

The last sentence, where JD admits he was coming to destroy the lab too made me smile really hard, then laugh one laugh that just went on like "Ha." Did that make sense? xD

By the way, I love the whole "I'm angry, you're angry, let's be angry together," concept too! D

- Jess
Sar chapter 1 . 10/7/2008
You do great one-shots, I loved reading this and you really write J.D. and Doctor Cox realistically! I can't wait to see the next chapter of MSC :) I hope all of that's not taking too much of a toll on you but I'm so glad you didn't abandon the story or anything.
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