Reviews for Tenderness in the Rain
Guest chapter 19 . 2/9/2019
There must be another chapter. It can’t end not talking about Ryoma and Sakuno. Lol.
Guest chapter 19 . 7/2/2014
Wow it's so cool! Amazing and love it!
Guest chapter 19 . 6/2/2013
OHMIGOD. i friggin loved this. i cried, laughed, and smiled at every part. you made the descriptions of every character so PERF and it was amazing! trust this praise, it's a fellow OTAKU HERE:):):):):) especially since I ship RyoSaku so hard... but anyways, I really just wanted to say how much I enjoyed this. (every chapter, just FYI! i just wanted my overall comment here)

with much, much, otaku love,

secretlistener chapter 19 . 6/1/2013
Very very very N-I-C-E ! I love the ending so much xD Love how Sakuno is back to normal and how their lives ended up happily T.T Thank you for your wonderful story. Best fic ever ! Well, the Sanada's story... such a great preview ! You got my attention to read of your stories more Cx
yukina-chan15 chapter 19 . 6/1/2013
Great ending!
I really love it.
It's a cute story.
But full of drama.
Keep it up.
Ja ne.
Eiko-chi chapter 19 . 5/31/2013
Hi there!
your story was great... the ending was sweet and cute but somehow i feel pity for sanada and shiori. anyways i hoped you'll make the both of them in a great story too. so, do your best ;)
JC-zala chapter 19 . 5/31/2013
Well, that was certainly a satisfying ending for Ryoma and Sakuno. I have mixed feelings on Sanada and Shiori though... Anyway, I'm deeply impressed with Sakuno's conviction and determination. In spite of her gentle nature, she can be direct and willful. She is very dignified and graceful, and mature. That inner-strength of hers is something else.

And I'm glad that everything turned out well for the couple. I really enjoyed reading this to the end.
michelle88222 chapter 19 . 5/31/2013
AWWWWWW cute RyoSaku ending! :D _
JC-zala chapter 18 . 5/30/2013
Astounding chapter! I got a real feel of the characters. I am mostly impressed with Sakuno's character here. She is very dignified and graceful in spite of her blindness. She does not just sits around and do nothing. She stands on her own and works hard, and everyone respects her for that. She is really amazing.

Too bad Ryoma did not realize Sakuno's dilemma earlier.
heartluv chapter 18 . 5/27/2013
Oh wow...I was not expecting Sanada to have a story but I'm glad you did. Hope you'll update again soon!
RikuDai chapter 18 . 5/27/2013
Thank you, Thank you for updating! :D
I'm glad Ryoma finally realized his mistake. Though I understand fully that he cares for Sakuno 100%, even more than tennis, he should really let her have a backbone, which she finally did.
He really should just trust Sakuno. -.-
I didn't expect Sanada would have a large role on this story :P
Please update! :DD
secretlistener chapter 18 . 5/27/2013
I'm screaming in joyous when I noticed your story was updated. All chapters and the plot are well-written and well-organized what I mean is that your POT fic is the most awesome that I've ever read xD I don't like that Mari girl at all and kinda feel victorious when Sakuno told her both her and Ryoma have met since High school. Mari is completely jaw-dropped lol. Btw, what do you mean with 'one more chapter' ? You mean this's gonna be at the end already ?
Guest chapter 17 . 5/26/2013
That mysterious woman KNOWS Sanada. It's the girl he and Sakuno were talking about in earlier chapters ne?
En chapter 17 . 5/23/2013
OMG.. !

What will happen to Sakuno? Who is the woman?

I cant wait to read the next chapter.. :D

heartluv chapter 17 . 5/19/2013
Darn I wanted to know who the woman is! I can't wait to find out :)
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