Reviews for Temperature
LuvofWolves chapter 15 . 11/16/2009
I really like it a lot can't wait to find out what happend next. hope you get to write the rest of the story when you can
jackiexbc13 chapter 3 . 9/27/2009
awesome keep it up plz
Maddy Love Castiel chapter 15 . 8/23/2009
Awh wat a great storie! Plz finish it!
teddybearpixiestix chapter 1 . 7/5/2009
okay so i just finished the story, and i hope that you will be posting another chapter or at least a sequal
liljenrocks chapter 15 . 6/2/2009
Update, Update, UPdate!
SaDiddy-Baby chapter 15 . 5/27/2009
awesome story
SaDiddy-Baby chapter 4 . 5/27/2009
totally awesome

i love the lemons chapter
twilight121994 chapter 15 . 5/7/2009
love love love your story its amazing,ive been reading your story 'alone' and went onto your profile and found this story and just fell in love with it,its really good but it hasnt been updated since 17/2/09 wich is a really long time please dont give up on it and update it soon...pretty please with a cherry on top.
Ash chapter 2 . 3/28/2009
OMFG! write more! :)
Grace chapter 1 . 3/4/2009
This chapters were so good! What happend? Don't give up now! Unless u have something else that's extremely important! Sorry, but this iz a really good story! :)
vampiregal42 chapter 15 . 3/4/2009
keep writing! that's all i have to say!
Grace chapter 15 . 2/21/2009
YA! Thankuthankuthanku! This iz probably my favorite nessie/jacob story! And yes I completely got the whole 15 years later thing, which I thought waz a really smart idea. I'll be sad when ur finished, but we all have to move on! :) So, thank u and I'll be reading the next chapter(s) when they come on! And thanks 4 liking my long reviews! :D
kels chapter 2 . 2/18/2009
i love your fanfiction! great job, keep writing!
Grace chapter 14 . 2/15/2009
OH MY FREAKIN GOSH! WERE R THE OTHER CHAPTERS! THIS IZ 2 GOOD! PLEEAASEE WRITE THE NEXT CHAPTER! IT'S GIVING ME MENTAL PAIN BECAUSE I CAN'T KEEP READING! ;) THIS IZ A GREAT STORY! I luv how seth imprints on indie and cj finds izzy (cute name) and just the whole story! U have it all right! I waz a little confuziled when they were talking about the icubuss dude. Iz an icubuss a human that's immortal (but can obiviously get killed) that has sex with women and then stills their souls? I also really liked that u included wicthes in this! Practically everyone at the wedding waz a mythical being! :D this iz so coolio! I can't wait 4 the next chapter!

P.S. Sorry my review/feedback things r so long!
Grace chapter 12 . 2/15/2009
WOW! U LIVE IN JERSEY! COOLIO! I LIVE IN WASHINGTON! I think the whole NY thing iz coolio! and the onyx thing at first i didn't get, but now i do! It sounds creepy, yet awesome! And ur little fuck ups, I really don't care, I read over the mistakes! (I suck at spelling, so I know how u feel when everyone's nagging u!) Anywayz, this iz really great! I love this story and think ur great at writing! Thanks for writing this, so my mind can be feeled with the awesomeness of fiction and to good to be true love! :)
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