Reviews for The L word
minami chapter 1 . 6/20/2011
Loving it!

I love the fact that Nami can be a total bitch around Zoro:)

I always felt that Zoro spoiled her in some way( not imaginative, can be traced in the Manga/Anime)
Namiroronoa chapter 1 . 12/20/2009

so cute

great job

Mistress 0f Dragons chapter 1 . 4/10/2009
w00t! w00t! go nami's meaness. poor Zolo. lol. loved this fic.

please write more ZoNa!
mona chapter 1 . 3/11/2009
loved it...

so consistent with the characters

you have such a way with words...

truly wonderful writing...
Riyu Akari chapter 1 . 11/28/2008
I just love your Zoro x Nami one shots, they're all so beautifully written. And they just give me that nice, warm feeling at the bottom of my heart. One thing I like about your one shots is that they're not too far-fetched and all, like Zoro and Nami suddenly having a baby and stuff. Your one shots are actually happen-able and imaginable. I mean, God knows what Zoro was thinking when he carried her in Arabasta! It could be exactly what you wrote. D

Do write more, please.
Elea013 chapter 1 . 10/26/2008
so cute !
SeeNoEvil121 chapter 1 . 9/25/2008
Fan freakin tastic! I love the ZoNa relationship so much! This is an adorable story!
Tatsumaki-sama chapter 1 . 9/24/2008
Don't we just love it love/hate relationships? Especially in the case of Nami and Zoro? The L word is like taboo for Zoro but we (and of course Nami) still love him. I just loved the ending with Nami hinting that she might also feel the same way.
mellorine-swaaan chapter 1 . 9/24/2008
Loved it!

Oh I liked all your fics so far and I just wanted you to know

cause i'm too lazy to comment review all of them :D

Keep up the good work! Yeah go ZoNa!
yuMeNami chapter 1 . 9/24/2008
hmm..L word..hahaha..because of luffy? hahahaha..nice story!
uRufu-chwan chapter 1 . 9/23/2008

Keep it up! I want to see more ZoNa from u!
BlueLion chapter 1 . 9/23/2008
Chara-based and insightful - I like it.

One correction: . Of course he would never admit is was the “L” word but…

... admit it was the "L" word but ...