Reviews for Characters' Monologues: Great Expectations (Hermione)
Stress overload chapter 1 . 10/15/2007
700 billion times thank you!

This is the kind of story I have been looking for!

Thanks again!
delete delete does not compute chapter 1 . 8/4/2004
Great story! I honestly belive that Hermione *would* think that!
greenleaf-in-bloom chapter 1 . 6/16/2003
col...sorry my review isn't longer. but i like it.
LilyAyl chapter 1 . 6/5/2001
I felt the exact same way, down to the letter. Except two years ago I wished that I wasn't perfect, that I wasn't an All-A student. From there on, my life slipped beyond my control. I recieved a few F's and C's and really hated myself and all those who expected me to get the A's. Even then though, people still saw me as an A student. It wasn't that I had stopped caring about school or knowledge. Au Contraire, I loved learning. Now two years later, I'm finally getting better. It started with a 95% on a Chem test and WILL continue. Why? I won't allow myself to get low marks any more. I won't accept them. I have finally decided that it doesn't matter what others expect, it's what I want. I'm doing it for them. I'm not going to get good marks for my parents, to make them proud. I'm doing it for my own satisfaction. I'm finally growing up. (With thanks to my Chem teacher, Mrs. Nussmeier for not allowing me to run away from an uncomfortable conversation about all this)-I have no clue why I typed all that, but I can't bring myself up to delete it. I sound like such a sap. Sorry. Your monolougue was good though. Write more.
Leyo chapter 1 . 10/22/2000
I completely empathize with Hermione, it's hard to keep up your standards, especially when people have come to expect things from you... and I'm going to end up rambling if I don't stop now. But think the last reviewer *points down* was right in a way, you could have talked about some other stuff too.
TigerFairy too lazy to sign in chapter 1 . 10/12/2000
I really don't want to be unkind, but these fics of yours aren't as deep as they're made out to be. You are taking an obvious theme and bleeding it dry. You are repeating yourself and you are not exploring any other interesting parts of the character. So here's a little c.c. (mmm, CC's) : for one, think of a few ideas, not just the one. There are many more things you could explore about Hermione. What about her relationships? Viktor Krum, Ron, Harry? What about her ambitions? Because you've only got the one theme to work with, you repeat yourself, which makes your fic a little boring, even though you start off well. Using more interesting vocabulary could also help fix it, though I don't believe vocabulary is that important, as long as the words you do use give the feeling. I'm not trying to discourage you. You're a good writer, so don't give up.
Nemesis-ADG chapter 1 . 9/2/2000
Ooh... pushy parents, mean teachers... poor Hermione, it seems like something she'd really say! Great job!
MariposaFBPB chapter 1 . 9/2/2000
Wow, that's so true. I totally feel for Hermione. The bit about 3rd grade? That's actually happened to me in English... I got a few answers on a spelling test wrong (incredibly stupid mistakes) and the teacher came over and felt my forehead to see if I was all right. I blushed as red as a tomato, it was soooooooooooo embarassing!
Crybaby chapter 1 . 7/29/2000
Crap! Thats me in a nutshell!This is sssssssssooooooooooo true, the burden of great expectations is a hard one. My third/fifth grade teacher (same person) did that to me, I was perfect in 3rd grade, and by 5th, was a little looser, but then she comfronted me about 'sliping' and I burst into tears, then became perfect again. I know how herm feels, and I never thought of it the way this fic has it. Nice job.
Hermione G chapter 1 . 7/23/2000
Well, i found your story very well written. I too, can relate to Hermione. also, just as an FYI, i based Hermione's diary on my previous school year, when i was going through i time when i was always depressed. anyways, keep writing!
Katia chapter 1 . 7/23/2000
SNIFF, SNIFF that reminds me of me when I was little my 'rents did the same to me (they made me learn my #'s and ABC'S at 3) oh I'm printing this out to show my mom. god, what's up with the lame reviews today?
Hermione L. Granger chapter 1 . 7/23/2000
Aw. I love these. They're really good, but really sad. And I think their all true. I think those three need to have cradles. Cradles are when you open up and tell a group of people, even if it's only two or three, everything that you feel. And they cradle you with love. Hence the name. I'm too lazy to do something like that, and right now I have to finish Thankful Rain, but I might do that in the future. If you would like too, go ahead and take the idea.
Mimi chapter 1 . 7/21/2000
Oh gosh I'm crying cause I swear I'm just the same way.
Xandra chapter 1 . 7/17/2000
I love angst fics, expecially about how certain characters think of themselves. It surprises me that I never thought of Hermione as a perfectionist like myself. Great story, I really liked it.
Madd Spammer chapter 1 . 7/17/2000
That was sooooooooo great and well written. I can totally relate. All to much. It's sad. Good job!