Reviews for Sweeney Todd Parody
Severus Sortiarius chapter 1 . 5/12/2016
LMFAO! Exactly how that movie went...are you sure this was a parody? Great Job!
GlitterFrog chapter 1 . 11/25/2013
There was so much WIN in here. You did a fantastic job!
Guest chapter 1 . 9/2/2012
super funny!
Who knew that a summary could be this cool
TheCandyGirl22 chapter 1 . 9/6/2010
You're my hero. o.O
ShieldEcho chapter 1 . 7/25/2010
"...we hope you enjoyed Sweeney Todd, and we're now going to leave you to wonder what the hell will happen when Toby gets out of there and tells people the true contents of Mrs. Lovett's meat pies!"

I saw the original musical (which was freaking amazing), and it ended with Johanna and Anthony getting the police and bringing them down to the cellar. Toby had gone completely mad and was imitating the Beggar Woman/Lucy while killing Sweeney. Then he just kept grinding the meat while Anthony, Johanna, and the police looked on horrified. Then they did a reprise of a song that was cut from the movie but was still obscenely epic and the musical ended. Still a real downer, but less so than the movie, I think.

Fun fact: Try this the next time you listen to Toby and Mrs. Lovett's duet.

"Nothing's gonna harm you...not while I'm around...I killed Sirius Black! Nothing's gonna harm you, darling, not while I'm aroudn...I killed Sirius Black!"

It fits so well, it's creepy!
ignis'caereleus chapter 1 . 10/21/2009
Well, my lord, you do, my lord, look, my lord, like crap. XD

And the part when he's like my little lamb,KILL SOMEONE; you're blond like you're mom, DIE, blah, blah, my daugther, DIE DIE. (My favorite part of the movie).

Loved this movie, and your parody. Good job. I couldn't stop laughing. _
bfdhthjuykuk chapter 1 . 12/6/2008
hahahahahahaha! funny stuff, wd! yays, sweeneys so emo

beebee xx
Nannon-yay chapter 1 . 9/24/2008
This had me laughing all the way through. Twas a good read. _ Well done.
Just.Another.Wannabe chapter 1 . 9/22/2008

This was great.

And when I was watching it in my living room the first time with a friend, and when they were at the beach, I was like, Beetlejuice. Beetlejuice. Beetlejuice.
Toph94 chapter 1 . 9/22/2008
‘Sweeney Todd: stares at razors like he wants to molest them’

Ha ha, totally got that impretion.

Sweeney Todd: You know, you can end that note any time now.

Pirelli: … A….

Sweeney Todd: Seriously.

Pirelli: … A….

Sweeney Todd: sighs in annoyance Moron….

Pirelli: … A!

He was singin the word ‘grace’, which is rotflmao funny cause my bezzy/Sweeney todd fellow worshiper is called Grace.

Toby: How dare you kill the only good parent I’ve ever known? I knew you were no good! snatches up a razor and Sweeneys Sweeney

OMG I knew I wasn’t the only living freak who considered ‘Sweeney’ to be a verb!
Scarlett Masquerade chapter 1 . 9/20/2008
What happens is... They send him to an asylum. Really. The real play tells you that. Except in the play, he's not cute. He's played by a hot but gay actor who is about thirty. Yeah. Weird.

I think this is one of the better parodies I've read! *claps* Luvs.
Falling Stardust chapter 1 . 9/20/2008
THis is a good parody. It almost makes me wish I would have to shriek "UPDATE!" at you every week like I do with lazy writers of multichapter fiics so there would be more of it...
Obscure Bird chapter 1 . 9/19/2008