Reviews for You Don't Know How It Feels
linda12344 chapter 15 . 3/24/2013
Good story and great writing so to read more of your stories.
MissBates chapter 15 . 7/15/2012
I loved this story - the diffidence with which House gets closer to Cuddy, the obvious hurt at Wilson's desertion, the undeniable fact that Wilson is the most important person in House's life, House's slow realization that although Wilson is of primary importance, he can have more in his life.

Excellent pace, faultless style and language, believable characters. Everything one wishes for in a fanfic. (Oh, and no smut. In my eyes that's a definite plus!)
JLCH chapter 15 . 4/10/2012
An incredible story. Very in character and amazing.
JLCH chapter 9 . 4/10/2012
This was an amazing chapter. It was so full of emotion and angst, I was literally on the edge of my seat!
JLCH chapter 10 . 4/10/2012
Another amazing and very emotional chapter!
JLCH chapter 5 . 4/10/2012
This banter is so like them, I really appreciate you keeping them in character!
JLCH chapter 4 . 4/10/2012
I'm catching up with this series of stories and I love it so far. Really love it!
Bakerstreet Blues chapter 1 . 2/14/2012
like this story, re-reading it and I just had a thought: House called Wilson at about 8:30pm for a ride and Wilson disowns him as a friend, however Wilson appears (unannounced) at House's (Sex Kills) after being kicked out of his marriage and without a blink of an eye, House welcomes him in. I remember during "Damned if you do" that Wilson invited "HIMSELF" to House's for Christmas dinner because he did not WANT to go is either of those events House's fault and how does Wilson justify that House is the manipulative, misery spreading bastard? If you ask me, Wilson spreads misery to his wives by cheating on them, injects himself into House's personal life under the pretense of protecting him (Love Hurts, ALL OF THE TRITTER ARC): the comment Wilson made to Cameron, although sounded like Wilson was looking out for House, could also have been heard as "marking" territory (not sexually, but to be able to tell the world that Wilson is the only person who could possibly be friends with House). Very suspect if you ask me.
Ratt9 chapter 15 . 2/10/2011
This was amazing.
paulac45 chapter 15 . 3/19/2010
Absolutely great. The meltdown scene was done so well, could really picture it.
ChristinaAngel chapter 15 . 10/2/2009
The thing I loved most about this story was that I can believe that it was House and Cuddy, they don't get together without some screaming, some crying and both of them being very, very human. I liked House slowly opening up to Cuddy and what happened when she pushed him too far and then tried to fix it. How they actually got together with House not sure about whether Cuddy wanted it and going for it anyway was so them. Great story!
Akemi1582 chapter 15 . 9/3/2009
wow! I loved this! The slow building of trust was perfect for them, fantastic job!
turtlejumpinghurdle chapter 15 . 7/26/2009
spectacular! def the best house fanfic i've read so far. geez, that was so good!
funniefriend1245 chapter 15 . 6/22/2009
Adorable. Flat out. Adorable.

The scenes where Cuddy was making House talk were great ones. And needless to say, the ones I liked even better were the kissing scenes!

Also, only Cuddy could make House talk. It's a given. House and his stubbornness just match with Cuddy's determindness.

As always,

funniefriend1245 chapter 14 . 6/22/2009
House/Cuddy snuggling! Sleeping! Kissing! Yay!

And Cuddy is still awesome...Just thought I'd point that out...

As always,


(PS I hope I'm not bugging you with all the reviews)
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