Reviews for Hidden Beauty
Anon chapter 4 . 6/17/2014
The connecting in the dream world aspect is new to me. Sounds very promising :) I like the Jared has unintentionally got himself a hirlfriend aspect.
Maimy-Jo chapter 1 . 8/8/2012
welcome back, cant wait for the update!
Maimy-Jo chapter 4 . 6/13/2012
such a shame this wasnt finished :( so beautiful
poopforbrains chapter 4 . 10/16/2011
Please I beg, with one knee down, to bloody update. Please. This story's got real potential. Don't give up on it. I know I'm not. :) It's been two years now. I think we, the readers, deserve 12345678 more chapters. :D
happinie93 chapter 4 . 10/9/2010
Wow! Great story! I think I've read part of this story before. But I hope that you update again soon! There aren't a lot of Jared and Kim imprint stories that are being updated now! Please update!
TheSecretReader94 chapter 4 . 8/27/2010
Hiya bleedingonyx,

I love this story! I like the first chapter when Kim repeats "Hi I am Kim as in Kimberly." then using that as what she says to Jared. It was an excellent ease into the story.

I totally love how you have made them dream differently but end it the same. I hope that they are connected because that could totally be a cool take on the whole imprinting aspect!

The Steph scenario is really good, I am looking forward to seeing how Jared breaks her (*cackling while rubbing hands together!*) Love it!

Does Jared mention anything about when he fell asleep in class two and a half weeks ago? Will he mention it to Kim?

I think you should add a bit from their dreams into reality, like Kim goes for a walk in the woods and maybe make the werewolf Paul but Jared saves her, before she gets too scared. And Jared could take Kims hand as he walks back to the carpark and maybe Kims mum is waiting for her impatiently and he is unable to catch her name, when he asks for it? Then it would make the two of them realise that they had seen something like this pan out before- aka their dream? so it would also let them know that the other one was that person they saw! Then you would be able to add Steph into the story, with how she saw them together and she abuses the "Friendship" she was going to have with Kim, and makes Kims dating life HELL! That would totally be an awesome read!

Your writing is excellent! Well done and I am looking forward to reading more soon ( I hope) - you are totally going on favourite story/ story alert.

Leah xxx
JellyBeane chapter 4 . 7/8/2010
it awesome! i love it! cant wait for more!
flaM1nGo chapter 4 . 7/5/2010
OMGSH! Please please please please please please PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE with Taylor Lautner on top keep writing? You are so TALENTED! I want to know what happens :'( Don't let your fans/reviwers down. I reallly want to know.
RememberThatDay chapter 3 . 4/16/2010
Please update! You cant leave all of us hanging? I NEED to know whats going to happen! Omg, I love stories like this, invisible Kim, popular Jared.

Please update... Please
TopHat10792 chapter 4 . 2/13/2010
Awesome story! Update soon please!
Waymirec chapter 4 . 2/2/2010
Kim-nivorous? lol, I laughed out loud when I read that part. Jared and Kim being connected in their dreams sounds so cool; like a new twist to imprinting. I love it. That evil Stephanie just needs to go somewhere (very far away, and never come back) She is a disgrace to the name. What Jared thought about Kim, her being an angel, was so sweet. Not even evil Stephanie being there could ruin that. Great chapter! Update soon.
teamtwilightsagano1 chapter 4 . 1/4/2010
i love this story plz write more!

i love the stories bout jared and kim, there so sweet and fantastic!
we'vehitanAllxTimexLow chapter 2 . 12/30/2009
Okay I loved your first chapter. It was literally as if I could here Kim talking to me in my head. It was kind eerie, but totally awesome :-)
maryyyy chapter 4 . 11/24/2009
UPDATE i wanna know what happens! this is heaps good i love it! keep writing please!
Scribe4eva chapter 4 . 9/1/2009
Wow i mean just wow. this is amazing stuff it is indescribable.(i cant spell...sue me)

You are an amazing writer... You totaly have me hooked so update soon. pretty please!

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