Reviews for Brick By Brick
Josh1013 chapter 23 . 4/30/2019
Having repeatedly re-read many of the chapters in Brick By Brick and Foundations over the span of a few years, You have without a doubt set the bar on how Garnet's personality should be. Not just her's however, you managed to bring to life pretty much every character in a way that nothing short of spectacular. I'm no professional writer, but have written a couple of fics for FF9 of my own and often find myself wishing i had the ability to portray the characters as well as you have done. Here's hoping you Decide to write another story for ff9 in the future!
DarthSanguine chapter 16 . 10/10/2018
Pretty sure the Behemoth was on disc 4... Also, Zidane is pronounced Zih-dahn.
DarthSanguine chapter 14 . 10/10/2018
Sargatanas isn't available until you have the airship. You also accidentaly typed Lost Continent, instead of Outer Continent.
DarthSanguine chapter 12 . 10/10/2018
A ship's rudder would be at its stern, not its bow. Bow front, stern back.
R. Moonstalker chapter 15 . 9/23/2018
just sorta struck me midway through... Happy belated 10 year birthday to Brick by Brick. Hoping this message finds you in good health and green pastures. still one of my favorite stories on the site- I really need to get around to playing FF9 one of these days. have a nice day/night/whatever, if you see this message :)
honey chapter 23 . 5/21/2018
I could not even begin to count how many times I've read this since 2009. I kid you not, I reread both BBB and Foundations in their entirety (usually in a span of two days, or a single sitting if I feel like ignoring life enough) at LEAST three times a year. Thank you, truly, for your wonderful writing. I wish I would come up with a comment for each and every of your works, but I'm hoping this will suffice and that you'll see this. I was 13 when I found your profile and have been a fan ever since. It's been 9 years and I still loiter around, re-enjoying your brilliant stuff and secretly hoping that you'll return to here some day. I just thought I'd let you know that you have truly left an impression on me, and I'm sure other readers of yours will say the same. If ever you produce original works, I would be more than eager and excited to read them. Sending my love and my wishes your way! Thank you from the bottom of my heart for such wonderful thoughts that have left such wonderful memories for me, as well as honouring such a wonderful game! Take care X
freyja0taku chapter 23 . 1/4/2016
Yay.. I've finally finished this.. :3 This chap is sweet.. Not that you'll see this but I was playing the game (for the 2nd time) while reading this so I haven't finished this earlier.. I was trying to complete all the sidequests.. And I still missed some. too bad.. hahah.. You're a great author.. I'll definitely read the Foundations.. :3 cause I enjoyed reading this and your other fics.. :3
freyja0taku chapter 19 . 1/1/2016
hahah.. cute :3
freyja0taku chapter 18 . 1/1/2016
It's random but cute.. hahah.. Should've been an extra chap of fur beneath her fingertips .. Poor Eiko.. she didn't get it.. I wonder if Vivi did.. hahah xD
freyja0taku chapter 16 . 12/31/2015
What Zidane said was wow.. hahah and a jealous Garnet? It's so funny.. xD and I also prefer to say his name Zi-dayn. just not Zee-dan.. no :3
freyja0taku chapter 15 . 12/30/2015
Oh.. I really like their talk here.. but I kinda don't like the fact that you made Garnet speak to Amarant first .. instead of Zidane.. I was also shocked that she made it to Alexandria without companion.. hahah but it's still a great chap.. :3
DaggerAran13 chapter 23 . 9/21/2014
I've no clue if you'll ever see this review but in case you ever do I just want you to know that wow this fic means a lot to me. I started reading it when you first started writing it and I finished it back then too. And rereading it has just caused it to resonate with me more. In the 5 years since I first read it I never once forgot about it. I cried during a few parts because you wrote the interactions between Zidane and Dagger so well. There was development and you really filled in the blanks that weren't included in game. This story is beautiful and I look forward to finally reading all of Foundations. The day I saw that Foundation received an update I was so surprised, so happy 3 Maybe you look back at this fic and think "It could have been better" or "I wish I'd have done this instead" but I think it's lovely. I am positive I will read it again someday and I really hope you're able to come across this review at some point. Thank you for making something so special for my favorite game 3 3
DaggerAran13 chapter 3 . 9/21/2014
This fic was written so long ago but I've never forgotten about it 3 It's just as good (if not better!) than I remember it being! I saw that Foundations was getting updated again so I took it upon myself to reread this story before getting caught up on Foundations. I just thought you should know that I love your writing and it's held a special place in my heart all these years 3
Guest chapter 19 . 5/24/2014
What is with you and that dang tail of his?
Guest chapter 7 . 5/24/2014
"Because I wanted to come with you."
That line made me cry, both in the game and now. I don't know why.
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