Reviews for Revenge
northern.grunge chapter 2 . 8/12/2008
Good job! I enjoyed this ( becuase that's my fav scene, I'm madly in love with Inigo Montoya .) But the facts weren't straight it seems. For example, Rugen never tried to stragle young Inigo in the book a few other random little picky things... but I thought it was very good all in all :) Keep writing, thanks for the story hun! xoxo
ryttu3k chapter 2 . 6/17/2006
FanTAStic! I only saw The Princess Bride for the first time today (I know! After nearly twenty years!) and immediately went looking for fic, and this is FANTASTIC. Inigo's an awesome character, and this fic does him justice.

Besides, 'he was between a wall and a pokey place' made me giggle my head off XD
Dan Conner chapter 2 . 5/24/2006
Sarah of the Labyrinth 13? No, it's not Indigo. It's Inigo you idiot.
UnseenCharacters chapter 2 . 3/10/2006
Well, as others say the events in the book were different, but as this is based on the *movie* I don't think that's a problem. There's plenty of people who liked the film but hated the book. Given the information only in the film, this is as good an explanation as any.

There's a few places where it could do with a polish, and a couple words or phrases which cause my brain to trip up by being too modern (though the dishwasher comment amused me) or just strike me as inappropriate, but I don't think they would bother most people.

I'm definitely going to try to cajole you into writing something else, though I'm absolutely boggled by the review saying that his name's Indigo. Perhaps that helps explain why this fandom is Mostly Dead...
Sarah of the Labyrinth 13 chapter 2 . 2/24/2006
Good story, but his name is INDIGO! Cant anyone get it right? Watch the documetary Thingy!
chef13 chapter 2 . 6/7/2005
yeah, i had wondered wether or not you realized Inigo's childhood was actually in the book.

this is way different than the one in the book. his mother had died in childbirth in the book, so i thought your death was much more interseting. and there was a lot more description of the sowrd making process in the book, as well.

i would suggest you read the book if you haven't as of now. yours was good, but i liked the book version better. and i think you would like it very much, too. _ happy reading!
babbityboo chapter 2 . 4/8/2005
Hey, this was great! It is really well-written. I really like Inigo and I think this was a great story about the Montoyas. Keep up the good writting!
AutumnIsOnFire chapter 2 . 12/21/2004
Very Well Done! I love Inigo Montoya and that was very interesting!
Black-Rose23 chapter 2 . 2/2/2004
oh this was wonderful!
One-Sock-ed Wonder chapter 2 . 11/4/2003
Wow! This is wonderful! I haven't read the book, but I have seen the movie. You have now officially turned me on to Princess Bride fics. Congrats.
Darth Sissy chapter 2 . 8/18/2003
kristina kjellin chapter 2 . 4/14/2003
Have you ever read the Princess Bride, abridged version by William Goldman? This was very much like it except you mixed up some facts, but the bit about Inigo's Mother was nice. Also both exchanges between Rugen and Domingo were written by Morgenstern originally, so when you mixed up the stuff it was quite noticeable. Also, Domingo was hesistant to make the sword at first but Rugen convinced him too. And the sword was supposed to be six fingered and it took Domingo much trial and error to finally produce a masterpiece.
Shirequeen chapter 2 . 11/11/2002
This fan fic is great! I love it. It wasn't short, wasn't cheesy, and I love how it intertwined with the movie! Keep writing!
Yamicat chapter 2 . 11/10/2002
OMG! THAT WAS WONDERFUL! the scene that you descibed happened to be

my favorite scene in the movie too! ) I could get a great mental sense of

what was going on. That's the mark of a good author! Great job and keep on

Lady-of-the-Dragons chapter 2 . 10/23/2002
I say! That was GOOD! Smashing!
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