Reviews for The Call of The World
James Birdsong chapter 4 . 2/19/2018
Nice two chapters
Hishin Trueflame chapter 4 . 1/8/2015
It breaks my heart seeing this story not updated in so long as it is one of the few unique crossovers i had the pleasure of reading.
Ganheim chapter 4 . 8/15/2011
Chapter 4

wonder where here sister


"How's The World been treating you, newbie?"

[I’m surprised nobody’s used that corny line before]

"Spell circles move faster than you can!"

[They did? I thought Twin Blades and Tribal Grapplers could outrun them. I’d done so with Haseo, anyway, in the rare times when I don’t smash in with skills or sit there spamming Pure Icon to harvest Virus Cores. Of course, he probably stops every time she says something, which would let it catch up anyway]

"Of course, you dolt," Akane snorted. "Now take the lead so it goes after you and not me."

[This is sounding true to both .Hack and Ranma]

"Where does he think he's going? The beast statue is this way, isn't it?"

[Funnily enough, I could easily see Ryouga getting lost not because of a bad sense of direction (which he’d probably still retain), but because every time he warps to a field or dungeon he appears at a random teleporter. That would be funny]

My name is Pi, by the way," she giggled, trying her best to put on a friendly front.

[Pi…giggle? I can’t see it. It took until, what, nearly through Vol 2 before she even chuckled with Haseo (at the ‘I thought you didn’t like being protected’ line)? Pi and I are alike in that: when we’re doing business, we’re all serious business and both of us need to loosen up but never really do]

With little time to spare, he again defended

[He needs to learn to interrupt/counterattack with R1. Or is that just my favourite? Maybe we’ll have to wait for Cologne to teach him that…]

Akane raised her fist and smacked her fellow party member upside the head.

[Should’ve used her staff. Too bad she’s not a Shadow Warlock, then she wouldn’t even have to move – since their tomes are telekinetically controlled, she could pretty much just sit there and thwap him. Oh well, maybe the next character…]

"Ul Repth!" Akane shouted

[She’s gaining plenty of proficiency points, at least]

as Ryouga angrily slammed his fist into the ground.

[Oh phooey, I was hoping he’d be an Edge Punisher and his first attack would be one of those ‘silhouetted against the area moon/sun with blade raised’. Still, it’s not like characters in the TV series don’t fight with their fists despite being a non-Tribal Grappler anyway]

when a very large, silver sword

[Given how ridiculously large an Edge Punisher’s weapon is, ‘very large’ almost seems an understatement. More like gargantuan, or rivaling the player himself. And may I say that I called him being an Edge Punisher? Wooo!]

and can still cause damage even if they barely miss you!"

[And that’s even before multiple charges on the bar, when it sends out a shockwave to put plain ol’ kenatsu to shame]

Ryouga tightened up his guard and defended against the offensive onslaught,

[And that would be quite a bit, as for some reason Edge Punishers seem to take even less damage while guarding than other classes]

Try to learn some more about the game first

[So a harvest cleric talks to him and doesn’t heal/revive him? How typical of .Hack]

leaving the former Twilight Brigade leaders behind.

[Shino said that she’d restart the Twilight Brigade at the end of Redemption, I don’t see the “former” as being properly applicable here]

I thought I’d reviewed this months ago, whoops, but here it is now. Interesting mash-up of .Hack and Ranma 1/2. I’m not sure how closely the plot’s going to mirror Ranma (which it seems to), but one thing that I’m concerned about is characterization – especially of the GU characters. As I mentioned above, Pi has difficulty being friendly – she has a significantly different stance than normal people, and while she may have ended up becoming friends with Haseo I think it was only because both of them are stubborn, abrasive people. Pi grew a little bit, but she’s still a workaholic at heart and faking character like this just seems beyond what she’d do. She could’ve just walked up to Ryouga and said “seems you’re looking for somebody” to open up the conversation, rather than…giggling. It would've been within her character and probably worked with Ryouga.
InuRanma12 chapter 4 . 11/18/2010
I love this story so far Please, do, update soon
praeceps chapter 1 . 11/8/2010
pls update this story i was really enjoying it i love the gu games and i would really love to see this one completed although you can get rid of akane if you want she is annoying i like alkaid though she is a much better choice for ranma
Vandenbz chapter 4 . 1/9/2010
Hope you update soon, I am really getting into this story. As far as pairings go, since you put Haseo with Atoli I'm hoping for Ranma to go with Alkaid. I can't wait to see what you make the Ranma 1/2 characters capable of thanks to their altered data.
Logan chapter 3 . 1/7/2010
Another funny ch LOL!
Ninja Master chapter 2 . 1/7/2010
Another aweasome ch!
Ninja Master chapter 1 . 1/7/2010
Great Crossover with Ranma 1/2 and .hack/G.U.!
Rose1948 chapter 4 . 11/23/2009
::lol:: Nice one! I'm liking this! Keep it up.

Okay. I'm completely unfamiliar with dot hack SIGN and all. Only saw about three episodes of the cartoon and those were not consecutive. Still enjoying the story, however.
Kurt Baros aka The Falcon chapter 4 . 9/26/2009
man im loving this story update soon
Bobboky chapter 4 . 8/1/2009
Shinzochi chapter 4 . 7/30/2009
AWESOME chap, i am looking omni omega uber ultra major omni ube eagerly forward to the next chapter (_)
Teturo chapter 4 . 7/27/2009
While it is interesting to see characters from Ranma in the .hack world, only hearing the story going on inside the game, and nothing about how this came about in the "Real World" is making the story hard to grasp.

In Roots you were hearing the story of the time skip in the game. In the game you played Haseo, but you could go to the desktop and read news stories and emails from the players outside the "World"

It just seems somehow stilted without it.
Dreamingfox chapter 4 . 7/27/2009

Not bad.

Glad to see an update.
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