Reviews for The Winter Prince
Guest chapter 9 . 4h
I would like a squeal of The Winter Prince. And how the Narnias think about him now. Or I can write a squeal
Meru x Ichiya chapter 9 . 8/14
Great story! I like how Edmund knew about Aslan and chose to do what he knew is the right thing helping his siblings. Thank you for sharing your writing!
Anonymousme chapter 9 . 10/28/2019
Oh, beautiful! Keep writing!

PLEASE, PLEASE ignore my earlier review. I have since then grown and matured and can't believe how...bad is one way to put it...that review, if you can call it that, sounded. But I do know just how lovely a story this was. I rarely remember the Narnia fictions I read even if they're good, unless they're from an author with several other (good) Narnia stories on their profile where I can access them all (Lady Alambiel is a good example, although it would be rather hard to forget Kat, so maybe not). I remember, or try to remember, very few fictions from random authors, and a lot of those I end up forgetting anyway. But this, this stuck with me even almost a year after I first read it, and that says something about how absolutely awesome it was. Keep writing!
Guest chapter 9 . 1/10/2019
Interesting idea! I had fun seeing how you explored it. Keep on writing!
anonymousme chapter 9 . 12/3/2018
wow! this was better than i expected! kind of short, but really gr8. nice work here! and somehow fitting 2, although i prefer the original. i think that the fact that i like the original better is because i like angst, hurt, comfort, and family, not 2 mention sibling bonding. but this was gr8 anyway. keep writing! and hurry up with your 2 more stories. i looked at your profile and u never wrote them, did u?
Golden Bearded Dragon chapter 9 . 7/7/2018
This was beautiful.
TearHer chapter 1 . 6/5/2018
Oh Aslan, I just read this and it feels like some extra book of the canon. Is lovely, thank you. Althought for some reason I expected to see some Huaran x Edmund haha. Anyway, I loved this. Have a nice day!
TheKingswoman chapter 1 . 5/12/2018
Ah! I hate you, I love you! What an amazing story! Truly amazing, and no OOC! Two thumbs way, way up!
Kay Hau chapter 9 . 3/27/2018
Great story! I absolutely love this spin on the story, and the whole pretending to work for the bad guy while plotting a rebellion genius mastermind angle? Fantastic! Thanks for a great story and well done!
Susangel chapter 9 . 2/12/2018
This story was amazing!

I love it when authors manage to explore Edmund's character and even more when they go for whump xD
I should probably feel worse about the pleasure I get from hurting my favorite characters, but oh well... xP

I loved this story so much that I would love to have it on my eReader, so...if it isn't too much to you think you can bring it over to AO3? That way it can keep Atlas (and wasn't THAT a masterpiece! I was so glad to find it there after reading it here ages ago) company on my bookmarks ;)

Thank you for the Wonderful stories!
SnowFlakeWrites chapter 9 . 1/3/2017
In my opinion, this is what really should have happened. I am in love with this story. Great Job! :D
Guest chapter 9 . 12/10/2016
wonderful fic :) this was a pleasure to read and thank you for sharing this story :)
Guest chapter 2 . 12/10/2016
you are amazing :) this story is amazing :)
Brytte Mystere chapter 9 . 9/8/2016
I have no words to say how much I've loved-will love yet- this fic.
It's just magnificent all around, lol.
Although, I was wondering, if you would allow me to take some ideas from this gorgeousness of a fic (I'll credit)? I'm writting a fem!Ed AU...
SortingHat chapter 2 . 2/13/2016
Interesting idea but I am not one for depressing/dark fics.

I won't take any house points since it's just my preference I don't like.

I do admit you at least used good grammar and paragraphing making it easier to read and the flow of the story isn't abrupt.
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