Reviews for Harry Potter and the City of Tents
Ravenna Harlequin chapter 10 . 4/18
Spent all day reading both stories. I love this one as well. I have never read a Ron x Harry story. I don't think I'll ever really be into that pairing but I won't completely knock it as i have in the past thanks to you.
gginsc chapter 10 . 4/16
Nice story, but I still want Dumbles reputation trashed and the ministry destroyed!
KuroHinata chapter 2 . 2/10
can't understand the context 'oh my own'? or is there something missing?
Jostanos chapter 10 . 1/27
And it is a fitting end to a wonderful story! Thank you for the ride. It was quite enjoyable to read..
Jostanos chapter 5 . 1/27
A death fitting a man with delusions of grandeur.

I tip my hat to thee. :)
NightshadeTales chapter 10 . 1/22
Love it
era-romance chapter 1 . 12/12/2019
nevermind, next paragraph covered the missing two. ooops lol
era-romance chapter 1 . 12/12/2019
your missing two kids. by my count there were 6 soul stone kids and two adopted (jim and lily). that makes 8, not the 6 accounted for
crazyhalfalien1 chapter 3 . 11/7/2019
I think you meant 'boldly' and not 'baldly' as in baldno hair on your head
Just wanted to point that out.
mrsmjp123 chapter 10 . 8/17/2019
I really enjoyed this! Thank you for it!
WereBunny87 chapter 10 . 7/5/2019
I love your work so much Well done!
RatherFabulous chapter 10 . 1/12/2019
Fun stuff. I'm going to write a mental epilogue addendum: "And everyone in the bitter, scrabbling, pathetic British MoM lived miserably ever after."
RatherFabulous chapter 7 . 1/12/2019
Ah, growing up as part of The Thundering Horde. It was often stressful, but still, I have the most wonderful memories from those times.
My mother was an only child, and I don't know how she did it, but she was like a general. I can say, from a position of experience, that it makes dealing with babies much easier when you have your own. (At least, you wade into battle already knowing not to leave a boy's diaper off for too long when changing him, or at least not without staying alert for "friendly fire" incidents.)
Greysh chapter 10 . 12/15/2018
lovely world building! I really liked it
Nevara5 chapter 10 . 11/15/2018
Stumbling across this a decade late, but I really enjoyed this series. I like how you just kind of gave glimpses of Harry's life. It was a fun read.
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