Reviews for Chasing Pavements
Guest chapter 5 . 11/1/2015
Laura chapter 11 . 9/13/2015
Thanks for writing it, I loved it !
Wolf-Girl-Team-Jake-Junkie-91 chapter 1 . 4/8/2015
I've noticed that you change your writing style or voice back and forth from first-person storyteller to third-person nararrator. This isn't a huge massive, deal, but at times it does make the story a bit more difficult to follow than it would otherwise be if you kept with one or the other 'voice'.
Guest chapter 11 . 7/14/2014
It wont be your last story? Too bad. This one was not good and painful to read. No one even close to character. The plot was silly and trite as well as inconsistent
Weave the Magic chapter 5 . 6/3/2014
I want to like this, but I can't fully do it. I'm a female, and I want the man to do the chasing. Seems like your Leah is the one falling, then blaming Jacob for notmfalling for her. Well, that's not his fault... Thing is, this story did not really establish that they are on the verge (at least) of falling in love. As far as I understand, it's Leah who has the attraction. Well, Jacob cant help it if there's someone else, it could have been Nessie or another girl that he falls in love with. But Leah cant blame him for that. As I said, there's no defined relationship between the 2 before this imprinting.

Which brings me to my 2nd frustration; Leah here is a needy weakling. Seems like she can't go on without a man. After Sam, she fell for Jake; now she's using Embry to fill up the void though she's not in love... Where's my tough strong girl? She's missing here.

Why can't Jake be the one to fall for Leah first? I'd like Leah to be noticed before she notices. Why cant Embry just woo her and Jake silently envying him, coz he can't do it freely?...

I know, I'm not the writer, but I just like Leah to be stronger and more independent than this, and definitely loved from afar 'til Jacob builds his guts.
nikkie owens chapter 11 . 12/6/2013
You are a good writer you cold see your progression along with the story's. Good luck with your writing future
KendieV chapter 11 . 10/22/2013
what an amazing story! I loved it! :)
poor Quil though :( and Carlisle! D:
but I'm glad that Embry found his special lady too! :)
fantastic work, thanks for sharing! :)
vannah moya chapter 1 . 3/22/2013
thxs 4 riting
Shnerdle chapter 11 . 11/24/2012
Wow, I really like all the thought you put into this and the way the story flowed. It seemed sort of like a sequel, how you took the original plot to just build the story smoothly. Great job, I really like this!
BurningWillow3 chapter 11 . 10/11/2012
oh my goodness do you know how friggin amazing this story is?! that was very very nicely done you did FANTABULOSE!
Chivasgirl23 chapter 11 . 9/20/2011
WOW! i totally loved everything about it! this is deffinately one of my favorite stories!:D
BrokenSofia chapter 11 . 7/13/2011
I love this story!

It was very well put together.

And i'm not gonna lie, a tear or 2 escaped when Quil, and Carlile died. It was sad. :[

Also i'd also like to point out that you portrayed what the characters where feeling: whether it was sorrow, guilt, or jealousy. I felt it all.

Again great story, and I appreciate authors like you who are so dedicated to their stories that they try their hardest to write.

Your greatly appreciated.


jessica-semnadaprafaze123 chapter 11 . 6/26/2011
Aww I'm glad they were together in the end.

Although not approve of Leah's friendship with Emily.

I loved the fic.

storylover3 chapter 11 . 3/27/2011
so sweet! u should write a sequel!
SamClearwater chapter 11 . 12/19/2010
. Esme. And Carlisle! GRR... now I'm gonna cry.
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