Reviews for Digimon Adventure tri — Part 1 : Coexistence
Shogun lord poke burst chapter 2 . 5/24/2019
The tamers are aware on the digimon cartoon, so they should recognize the 01 and 02 digidestined, plus Guilmon should be able to smell the other digimon
Galvatron chapter 30 . 5/11/2019
Please continue
Galva chapter 12 . 5/11/2019
Love this fic although I really hate that you split up impmon from his partners
Lilbitdanny22 chapter 28 . 3/14/2016
Great chapter! I like the steam between Davis and Takuya!
Lilbitdanny22 chapter 27 . 2/23/2016
Aww please finish this story! It's really good! Hope to hear from you soon!
Lilbitdanny22 chapter 3 . 2/22/2016
I wonder who's the digimon empress! Better keep reading then:)
Lilbitdanny22 chapter 2 . 2/22/2016
Great story so far! I really enjoy that zoe, Kari,rika and jeri are roommates, I always pictured them at the best of friends:) hopefully rika gets to know them better :)!
Matrix214 chapter 15 . 9/21/2015
interesting... im curious to see how you blend the first five seasons. So far so good, question. Since the sovereing Digimon are what the celetesial angels were in S4, will the actual celetesial angels show up?
DigiXBot chapter 25 . 7/18/2015
And the drama continues.
Will Marcus see an Agumon soon?
Mds777 chapter 25 . 7/18/2015
Just curious, but will Keenan be showing up anytime soon? :)
Guest chapter 22 . 8/15/2014
ok.. takuya and kari are becoming waaaaaay too close lol! Davis and zoey are going to go insane
Guest chapter 22 . 8/15/2014
Koushiro Izumi, Agent of HYPNOS
And Takuya must have saw Kudamon, so either Comander Sampson or the Royal Knights aren't far behind.
Ultimateblack chapter 1 . 7/30/2014
Okay so you ripped some parts of the original college years. I read d thing some time ago and I honestly don't remember what it was all about. What I do know was the create card and whoever took over after that were obviously takari fans and made Davis look like an idiot again. So I'm asking this: is this story in any way moving in that bias? And another thing, when you said REMAKE did you mean a complete makeover with different plots, sub plots and ending or just a different way of writing the original with a same plot?
Darkness To Lies chapter 9 . 7/14/2014
I don't like to critique people's work but Matt said to meet at his and Tai's dorm room for the story of the OU phantasm but then they meet in the 4th floor lounge. Why do they go to the 4th floor lounge if they're supposed to go to Tai and Matts room. Also, I thought Azumon was supposed to be with Zoe in her dorm as said in the previous chapters. Why does Azumon walk into the 4th floor lounge with Koichi.
unknown chapter 4 . 7/10/2014
The overall flow of the story is a bit slow but I luv how you mixed the first five seasons! Are you gonna bring in season six people
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